our true selves.

April 3rd, 2010

our true selves.


April 3rd, 2010

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who → Sarah and James Miller
what → CORE buildings world wide get blown up in small, localised explosions thanks to the Girl and Boy Wonder.
when → Friday 2nd April, 2010. 1:00pm
where → London, England
warnings → Explosions, language.
status →Logged!
ooc note → Feel free to post reactions however you want to as this will probably be reported in the news as well as through regular reincarnate channels!

You better push the button. )

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Who: Sam Victorio
What: Reacting to bad news
When: Friday Afternoon
Where: Somewhere in Los Angeles

Who the hell had given them the right to destroy people's lives in the name of their cause? )

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Who: David Roberts (and NPC CORE member)
What: Karma catches up with him. Karma's a bitch.
When: Friday Night
Where: CORE HQ
Warning: Violence

It was after that that everything became pure chaos. )

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Who: Betty Peabody, Sam Victorio and later Phineas Morland
What: Betty runs into Sam in the midst of the fray, they're forced to fight, Phin steps in before things get too ugly.
When: Friday Night
Where: CORE HQ
Warning: Violence, strong language?
Note: During this

So distracted Betty was by her own thoughts that she didn't realize what she'd walked into until she was right in the middle of a whole group of people fighting, and had walked directly into Sam )

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Who: Camelot: James Miller (The man behind the curtain), Nate Roth (The leader), Jennifer Hill, Benjamin Davis (NPC), Lilah St. Fleur, Chris Lancaster, Ted Holloway and Mina Viresh
CORE: Anna Harkness and Rue Murray
What: Attack on CORE. Part three.
When: Friday 2nd April, 11pm.
Where: CORE HQ in San Francisco, California. As well as James being at Camelot HQ, UK.
OOC Info: This is a comms post which means speech and descriptions of sounds only. Private communications between people in the post can be made by changing the subject header in the comment as you would in a journal comment. This is the 'master post' for this event, if you have any pre prepared logs or narratives then please link to them here in the order in which they occur with a note about whether or not comms were on or off so people know if they can react to it and how much. If you have any questions about the format then please IM either myself, Claudie or Heather.
Special note: CORE members being arrested during this block can be heard over the comms but they themselves can only hear who they're talking to. If CORE people want to also communicate on their own comm frequency then feel free!

The first and second wave had already gone in, and the sounds of a full on fight were already echoing through the building. Team Three's job was to search and retrieve and fight when they had to, but mostly they had to make sure no one in CORE got out unless they were being escorted in hand cuffs. Even if they weren't the front lines, that was still just as dangerous.

"Hey guys, I know we've been joking about it but seriously. If it comes down to it? Link arms and chant red rover, red rover! Who knows, it might work?"

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Who: Ainsley Kennedy
What: Killing people? Not a healthy way to grieve.
Where: CORE HQ
When: Friday April 2nd, during this
Warnings: Violence, swearing, a few dead NPCs. The usual, pretty much.

This may have been war, but that didn't give her the right to do this. )

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Who: Ted Holloway/Darth Vader, Claudia Walker (NPC)
When: Late. During the third wave of the Camelot assault.
Where: Downstairs hallway, CORE HQ.
What: Claudia runs into Ted. She thought he was on CORE's side, but apparently he's not. She, understandably, is pissed. Long story short: she cracks one of Ted's ribs and Vader comes out to play.

If you're too weak to defend yourself properly, stand aside and allow me. )

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Who: Rue Murray and Jen Hill
What: During the take-down, Rue gets her just desserts.
Where: CORE HQ
When: Around 11:00 PM, Friday April 2nd
Warning: Character death.

What is this, revenge of the nerds? )

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Who: Kylee Evans + npc
What: Two pounds of pressure in the wrong direction
When: At some point following This thread
Where: CORE HQ
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