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December 12th, 2009

RP: Family Christmas

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Date: December 23 - December 25-ish, 1999
Characters: Theo, Nathan, Ferrol, Amy and Peter Nott; Mandy and Natalie Brocklehurst; Pansy and Nicholas Parkinson; Thomas Connelly
Location: Nott Manor
Private/Public: Private
Rating: G - NC-17
Warnings: TBD
Summary: Theo has had Christmas plans in mind for quite awhile. Herein they unfold. Continued from HERE.

It was Christmas morning, and though part of her was fine with sleeping in, she was still highly anticipating Christmas and the presents that came with it. Especially with all the family that was here, it was bound to be fun.

She climbed out of bed and dressed hastily in casual clothes, running a brush through her hair quickly. It was still relatively early, but she knew Teddy wanted to have everyone open presents before breakfast, if they were willing.

She snuck the short distance down the hall, tapped on Thomas' door but she wasn't surprised when no one answered. He wasn't really a morning person, so she crept in. She'd have to wake him herself.

Amy bounced up onto his bed exuberantly. "Wake up, Tommy, it's Christmas!" she said.

December 23rd, 2008


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When: September 4, 1999
Who: Ferrol Nott, Natalie Brocklehurst
Where: A fashion show after-party in the muggle world. Paris, France.
Rating: ?
Summary: Ferrol goes to this wonderful after party and chats up the supposedly Muggle designer...

Here to Paaaar-tay ;) )

December 9th, 2008

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Title: A Night in Paris
Characters/Pairing: Mandy/Ferrol
Rating: Probably NC-17
Warnings: Adult situations
Word count: 329
Summary: Mandy is tired of being alone... What happens when she meets Ferrol Nott in a nightclub in Paris?
A/N: AU: A Different Nott

A Night in Paris )

December 6th, 2008

Fic/RP: She Knows What?

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Title: She Knows What?
Character/Pairing: Ferrol and Nathan Nott, Mandy Nott
Rating: PG
Warnings: vague references to bad deeds.
Word count: 443
Summary: Ferrol wonders just how much his new sister-in-law knows about her husband’s past.
A/N: Written for [info]delayedpoet, set in AU: Endurance sometime after Mandy and Nathan eloped. Let me know if you want it posted in the comm.

She Knows What? )
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