Opus Two RPG - August 10th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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August 10th, 2010

[Aug. 10th, 2010|01:10 am]
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[Mood | shocked]

*is having a pretty average early-morning start at the office, all told—the usual onslaught of snail mail, email, interoffice mail, and memos from every corner of the House—when one particular email near the bottom of the screen catches her eye* *blinks in surprise, instantly recognizing her brother's address (and it takes her a moment to remember that she gave him one of her business cards last time she was up, just for a laugh)*

*pops the message open and skims it* *something about an article in the Brighton paper that she'll want to read, like, now?* *goes ahead and clicks the article link, curious as to what could be so interesting that Freddy's emailing it to her at work*

*takes in the headline (oh, a break-in or something) before moving down to the main text* *...* *hits "Print" about three paragraphs in, all color draining from her face (despite everything), because there are words like shotgun and injuries, and the picture's caption reads Doc Brandt and Carol Taberer wait for news from inside the house, and the dark smears on the old lady's shirt look frighteningly like blood*

*grabs the article off the printer and hurries over to Ecthelion's office, knocking sharply as she practically bursts through the door*
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