Opus Two RPG - January 9th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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January 9th, 2010

[Jan. 9th, 2010|08:20 pm]
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[Mood | proud]

*attends Ecthelion's almost-impromptu Friday night gig with Esther and is, as always, blown away by her big brother's talent* *couldn't help but notice that the character of his newest songs verged on the melancholy wrist-slittingly depressing soulful side*

*does, under Ecthelion's advice, keep an eye open for Salgant and Roxy just in case either of them get it into their heads to ruin Ecthelion's catharsis performance* *knows she's more than capable of taking them both* *also, and not under Ecthelion's advice, keeps an eye open for Glorfindel so that she can politely tell him to sling his hook, should he turn up*

*has a pint ready and waiting for him after the show (and is remarkably sober as she has been pacing herself - until Ecthelion can catch up)*
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[Jan. 9th, 2010|10:08 pm]


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[Mood | shocked]

*has spent the last several days scrambling to put things back into some sort of order at the Harp, after his second-in-command randomly quit, WTF?* *could extract no better explanation from Yates than that he "intended to pursue other opportunities"*

*takes a short break from the craziness of combing through job applications (all of which have been carefully screened by Special Ops, unbeknownst to him) to kick his feet up on his desk and peruse the paper, giving special attention to the classifieds (the R series hasn't served him as well as he'd hoped, and really, they don't make 'em like they used to, anyway)*

*drops his feet to the floor in a hurry when his eyes alight on the personals (he reads them to laugh, shut the fuck up), one ad in particular*

...seeking one Masked Mystery Man claiming double-sided fax capabilities...

*reads through the rest of the little blurb, then the whole thing once more, unbelieving (but no, there's her name and c/o House of the Fountain (*spit*))*

*only spares a moment for the question of whether she's seen his handwriting before (most likely only his signature, and there's no way that's going on the reply)* *without any further thought, finds a clean sheet of paper and a bold black pen (Eru, a pen) and scrawls a reply as fast as his hand will move*

It seems even a woman who chooses to be single can enjoy the occasional cinnamon cookie. But two? I'm no less a coward. Are you still brave enough for both of us? Will you laugh at 'hello' doctrine to face dragons tall?

*makes himself stop then, think a moment* *adds a final, simple line (I want to see you again.) before sealing the note in an envelope and printing your name in neat block letters on the front* *does not chuck this into his outbox, oh no—will drop it in the mailbox on the corner, on his way out for lunch* *returns to the business of the day (only now he's whistling while he works)*
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