Opus Two RPG - December 15th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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December 15th, 2009

[Dec. 15th, 2009|01:49 pm]


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[Mood | discontent]

*works almost steadily through the afternoon, only taking a break to check on Erestor*

*doesn't think his gentle suggestion that Erestor try speaking to a professional again (and now he personally knows about the difficulties in making unpleasant therapy stick) was taken as anything approaching 'well'* *thinks it perhaps even less likely because he was careful to describe his concern as a friend and not as an employer (it's not as though Erestor's job performance has taken a hit, despite his problems, and anyway, his (Ecthelion's) worries go far beyond job performance)*

*as the end of the workday nears, starts musing on Glorfindel's meeting with Salgant, wondering whether Glorfindel managed to glean anything useful or whether Salgant was just his usual git self*
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[Dec. 15th, 2009|07:20 pm]


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*heads straight to the Flower at the end of the shift*

*has been completely closeted in his office all day, with only a short visit from Ecthelion to break up his quiet oasis of paper-churning and mouse-clicking* *was the very image of a polite and considerate subordinate, but thinks that if he ever has to hear the words "professional help" again—from anyone—he'll throw something large and heavy through a window*

*has subsided to his now-usual reserve by the time he reaches the Flower's front desk* *asks whether Glorfindel is in his office, and upon learning that the lord of the House has retired for the night, heads straight up to the apartment without waiting for the receptionist to call ahead* *reaches the door and hesitates only a heartbeat before knocking*
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