Opus Two RPG - July 6th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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July 6th, 2009

[Jul. 6th, 2009|01:33 pm]


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[Mood | exanimate]

*has spent the vast majority of the weekend cooped up with his producer, putting the last touches on his album (and he still hasn't sung publicly since the injury (that's what he's calling it in his head now—"The Injury") and he's convinced his voice sounded like shit on every take, but what can he do? this baby has to go out...well, yesterday, ideally)*

*finally stumbles home Sunday evening, barely able to appreciate the quiet, undisturbed walk when he can hardly see straight, but glad that this thing (that's what he's calling it now—"This Thing") will still come as a surprise to mostly everybody, when most of the music business gave up on his commercial prospects years ago*

*has just enough energy to change into t-shirt and pajama pants before he crawls into bed* *resolves to sleep for only two hours before he gets up again and heads down to the office with his never-ending supply of coffee (but the next time he leaves that office, Glorfindel will likely be on his way home and that is no small comfort)*

[Edit] *wakes at 8:50 a.m. the following day (feeling considerably more rested), only needing to feel Glorfindel in his arms to remember why he didn't wake last night, as planned*

*is content to close his eyes and hold his lover (so beautiful in his most peaceful state) for fifteen minutes or so, at which point he gently extricates himself enough to reach over for his cell phone* *dials Esther's office number*
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[Jul. 6th, 2009|06:32 pm]
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[Mood | bitchy]

*is currently fuming at Celegorm and isn't even quite sure why; whether it's because their daughter was injured, or whether it's because their daughter is not speaking to anyone (out loud, at least) at the moment, or whether it's because it's a day ending in '-y' remains to be seen*

*has explained to Liltëas that sometimes when you love someone very much, you need to go very far away from them for a while* *books flights and a train to Gondolin and is rather looking forward to seeing her brother and niece again*

*picks up the phone after a moment's pause and dials another number*
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[Jul. 6th, 2009|07:06 pm]


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[Mood | busy]

*has been extraordinarily busy since Doc's departure, between trying to keep Ecthelion's workload on the lighter side ("lighter" being a relative term, of course) and preparing for said lord's impending weeks-long absence* *still thinks Ecthelion's plan is brilliant, but has to wonder whether the man had any idea what he was getting himself into*

*doesn't anticipate having a fully-functional Third in place in time, so decides to go with plan B* *begs Duilien (read: agrees to future slavery in exchange) for Mac, just on loan for a day or two a week, to help him handle the load and any crises that might arise, because that's practically a given in this City*

*invites his fellow Second over to the Fountain for lunch on a relatively slow day, figuring they can start going over the particulars early so they're ready when the time comes*
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