Opus Two RPG - May 8th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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May 8th, 2009

[May. 8th, 2009|09:21 am]


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[Mood | peaceful]

*has been feeling a bit guilty that she hasn't had much time or any time, really to check up on her erudaughter lately*

*sneaks out of the lab early one afternoon and takes a taxi out to Celegorm's*
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[May. 8th, 2009|10:34 pm]


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[Mood | chipper]

*rolled into work in a good mood, all told, and so far is having a somewhat hectic but otherwise okay birthday* *stopped really paying attention after the big 3-0, to be honest (which is funny considering that he used to measure his life in centuries and millenia), but the Fountain staff gets more inventive every year with the jokes—this time he's received a personalized formaldehyde inhaler ("just making sure you're well-preserved inside and out, sir")*

*takes a spare moment later in the day to hang up his gift from Elemmakil, next to an enlarged copy of the picture he took from the hot-air balloon* *loves Tanya's photo, of course, with its white-silver-blue cast and the Fountain banner visible just behind the spray* *how well she knows him*

*has just finished straightening the picture frame when his office phone warbles with an incoming outside call* *dusts off his hands and steps over to check the ID (Swallow), snagging the receiver with a fairly good idea who's on the other end* *answers* House of the Fountain, this is Erestor.
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