Opus Two RPG - August 22nd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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August 22nd, 2008

[Aug. 22nd, 2008|01:48 pm]


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[Mood | drained]

*has been wearing himself (and just about all of Doriath) a leeettle thin during the frantic search for his grandson*

*is thus a leeettle annoyed when Mardil buzzes through to tell him that Elrond has come to see him and apparently won't leave until he does*

*takes off his jacket (which he's just put on intending to go out and physically join the search himself)*

*hits the "talk" button and barks* Well, hurry up!
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[Aug. 22nd, 2008|02:34 pm]
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*determines per request that the former High King has indeed left town*

*calls in a few favours and gets word he's back in Hithlum*

*follows there pretty quietly by train, then rented car, and makes a few inquiries* (*really grows a little curious how the guy's doing, actually*)

*asks around, then takes a walk to check out the local pubs*
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[Aug. 22nd, 2008|06:13 pm]
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[Mood | stressed]

*has been somewhat distracted since his brother's visit (and his brothers news)* *to the point at which Maedhros is threatening to sulk if he doesn't "cheer the fuck up" (direct quote)*

*figures that there's only one course of action open to him and dials Finrod's cell phone number, having made sure that his office door is firmly closed and Margaret is on her lunch break*
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[Aug. 22nd, 2008|06:35 pm]


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[Mood | worried]

*has had an interesting week*

*Day One: kidnapped Lúthien's new baby and took him to Beren and Lúthien's old cabin in the woods*

*Day Two: tried to get the kid to stop screaming for hours before realizing he was hungry and dirty*

*Day Three: tried to figure out the purpose of this kidnap, and decided it was to destroy the evidence of Beren and Lúthien's relations*

*Day Four: left the baby alone and exposed in the woods, as people did in older days*

*Day Four, Twenty Minutes Later: went back to get the baby*

*Day Five: glared at the baby a lot*

*Day Six: began panicking, as a Beleriand-wide baby-hunt is/was on and he's been in hiding for a while now*

*Current: sits and stares at the baby*
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[Aug. 22nd, 2008|07:55 pm]
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[Mood | exhausted]

*is coming to the end of her latest long shift (well, is into the last third of it, anyway)*

*heads out onto the ward between cases to check up on a few of the post-op kids and to write up fluids*

*sits down at the nurses' station and puts her feet up on the desk* *picks up the nearest phone and asks the hospital switchboard to connect her to a cellphone number*
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[Aug. 22nd, 2008|10:32 pm]
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[Mood | excited]

*sits in the appointed café and sips her water, waiting for her interviewee to turn up*

*is practically giddy with anticipation, but draws on long experience to keep that (mostly) under wraps* *is just a little girl journalist on a routine assignment, yessiree*

*wonders whether Gothmog will let her in on more of his Plan if she carries this part out successfully* *hopes so!!*
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