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May. 14th, 2016



Apr. 16th, 2016


Hello, everyone,

Another AC has just passed and we all lived to tell the tale. I believe the hiatus train has wound its way back into the station (with Mel as the caboose coming in on the 20th) but if anyone is still out, let me know.

Welcome back to Jonathan Crane!

As I'm sure none of you have done it in a very long time, just for fun, please go here and update your Friends Page.

Finally, we have this Character Contacts page that practically no one is using, so I'm going to get rid of it (finally). If you are one of the very few people with information there (basically myself, Mel, and Sait) and you'd like to keep it, put it on your personal journal or something, better do it now. I'll likely take it down after the next AC.

Till next time!

A modly one

Mar. 1st, 2016


Timey-Wimey plotting

(Into a megaphone) Good moooorning, Neeew Alliaaance!

Another AC has come to pass, and the following character is now available.


There are no birthdays this AC! Except for...


In celebration of NA's Fourth Anniversary we are doing not just a Retro Week, but we're doing something special for the Whole Month of March. So introducing NA's first Retro and Time Twisted Month of Madness.

To explain this means that you can get with characters and play either scenes from the past... OR scenes from the assumed future or time traveling madness. Here's what to keep in mind:

A) Either will count toward your activity check.
B) Retro stuff will in general be counted as NA Canon. But the other time traveling stuff may or may not be.
C) Please remember to tag with the appropriate Retro tag to those participating.
D) No, you don't HAVE to. You can do regular scenes in the regular time line if you wish. These will count toward AC per normal, too.
E) We encourage crazy collaboration and ideas.

... No, seriously. Collaborate, be mad, get off the wall. Go! Reply! Release the plot monkeys!

Feb. 25th, 2016


Looking pretty sad, guys. You have till 2/29 to post, so take a look at the Activity Check spreadsheet and make sure you tag!

Also, it is officially the 4th anniversary of NA (throws confetti) (noisemakers) which officially started the first week of March, but previewed a week earlier, because we couldn't wait.

As per tradition, we'll celebrate our anniversary with RETRO WEEK! Only we'll do it a little different this time. Instead of just focusing on scenes that focus on the past, we'll extend Retro Week to TWO WEEKS, and add include all kinds of timey-wimey scenes! Past scenes, future scenes, time travels scenes -

- We usually say Retro stuff counts toward your cannon, but you get to decide if any of the other stuff does.
- NO ONE HAS TO PARTICIPATE! Keep doing your own thing if you don't feel like it.
- Please tag all Time Twisted scenes with the Retro tag, so that anyone who wants to read them will be able to identify them! (Also, I go back and refer to mine all the time.)

Questions? Comments? Plotting? The floor is yours!

Feb. 1st, 2016


Good day, NA!

Another AC has passed! We've gained

Captain America
Connor Hawke

And it is no one's birthday!

Thank you for keeping up with your tags! As usual, have fun!

Jan. 30th, 2016


Hi guys,

I did some housekeeping today, and it shouldn't have affected anything, but if you notice something strange happening to your journal, or just in general, please let me know. Oh, and in case you haven't done so in a while (because I'm terrible about reminding) you should run the Friend Button to get your journals up to date!


The Modly Ones

Jan. 26th, 2016


Good day, NA!

Just your friendly reminder that Activity Check is coming up! Be sure to tag!

Thank you , and as always Have Fun!

Jan. 24th, 2016


Plotting Meme!

The Meme of Plots

Hey y'all! It's a brand new year, and we've had an interesting month or so of housecleaning, and an influx of new characters, so after some discussion, the idea came up that we should revive this old chestnut to start 2016 off right!

The rules are very simple, and I urge everyone to join in:

1.) Post the names of all your characters.

2.) Tag each others characters with ways you'd like your characters to interact with them! Do you have any plots you've been dying to do? Any idea for something new? Do you just really want to do SOMETHING with that character? Let their player know!

This will hopefully give everyone a chance to get some new activity rolling for their characters. If you're having a character who's difficult to find something to do anything with, feel free to mention that and see if it shakes any suggestions loose.

Good luck, everyone!

Addition! At the request of Stacey, who has all the good ideas, I'm going to add this in. NA is going on 4 years old now, and in that time, we've seen a lot of people come and go, and our universe has changed quite a bit. Stacey suggested that it might additionally be fun to establish new connections between our characters, since a lot of the ones we originally started with have been lost. So in addition to steps 1 and 2 above, please consider the following:

3) What ties might you have with the other characters? Are, or could you be, friends? Do you work in the same field, or hero in the same community? What might you have in common?

4) When I created NA, I was building an amalgam, bringing together Marvel and DC, and so the point was to establish as many connections between the two universes as possible. So, for extra credit - can you tie yourself to your character's counterpart universe? For example, Bruce and Tony went to MIT together and are best friends. Back when we had a Bobby Drake, Dinah Drake Lance and Tim Drake were all cousins. Can you find a connection?

Jan. 10th, 2016


Good day, NA!

Just a reminder to all that Activity check is coming up!

Thank you, and as always, have fun!

Dec. 17th, 2015


Good day, NA!

Another Ac has come and gone and the following characters are now available:

Amadeus Cho
Barbara Gordon
Cissie King-Jones
Jemma Simmons
Malcolm Merlyn
Steve Rogers
Tim Drake

This AC is a free pass! You can post if you want, but it's not required. Happy Holidays!

Dec. 10th, 2015


Good day, NA!

The time of the AC looms! Be sure to check the chart for what tags are needed!

Thank you and as always, have fun!

Nov. 1st, 2015


Good Day, NA!

Another AC has come and gone. No changes to the roster!

Birthdays coming up this AC are: Cissie King Jones and Nightcrawler!

Thank you and as always, have fun!

Oct. 26th, 2015


AC check is coming up!

Dropping your friendly reminder here.

Oct. 16th, 2015


Good Day, NA!

Another AC has come and gone! Yay!

Birthdays this AC is none other than Mr. Crane, aka Scarecrow on the 31st.

Thank you for keeping up with tagging! As always, have fun!

Oct. 10th, 2015


Good Day, NA!

Here is your friendly Activity check reminder! Get your tags in!

Oct. 1st, 2015


Good day, NA!

Another AC has come and gone and the following character is now available.

No one new! Your mod-assistant had a case of the durm. Carry on! Nothing to see here, folks!

There are no birthdays this AC!

Thank you and as always, have fun!

Sep. 16th, 2015


Good day, NA!

Another AC has come and gone! Whoot!

Upcoming birthdays for this AC are James Rogers, Kara Kent, Lex Luthor, and Nyssa al'Ghul!

Thank you all, and have fun!

Sep. 10th, 2015


Good day, NA!

Here's your friendly AC check reminder!

Have fun!

Aug. 25th, 2015


Good day, NA!

This is your regular reminder that Activity Check is coming up, so don't forget to check the chart!

Thank you and as always have fun!


Aug. 16th, 2015


Good day, NA!

Another AC has come and gone, and the following character is now available:

Kate Bishop

The following birthdays are coming up this AC: Lois Lane

A bit concerning hiatuses. If you think you'll just be out of contact for a week or so during the AC, go ahead and put in a hiatus for just that time. However, if you think you'll have trouble tagging your chars in that AC due to life being the bear that it is, definitely ask for the whole AC off! We'd much rather give you more hiatus than needed than you risk losing your characters when life is being harsh. So far we've not had anyone who has abused hiatuses to just be lazy and hang on to characters they're not really playing, so we're happy to give them when players are moving, sick, etc. And if you end up not needing the full hiatus and tagging in your chars, great! But it's there so that you don't drown or feel like you'll let others down if you don't turn up for an AC.

Love you guys! You're all great! And as always, have fun!

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