May 9th, 2017

[info]detectivenigma in [info]ooc_na



Katie here with the Next Big Plot, and it's set to take place over the next two-ish AC's (ish being this one).

HYDRA. It's here. It's been here for awhile, skulking the shadows, growing heads, plotting evil things and overall being nasty.

And it's finally ready to strike it big time.

Strike where and how, you ask? GOOD QUESTION.

HYDRA's plan is to take over the eastern seaboard: NYC, Metropolis & Gotham.

-NYC is a must, because of SHIELD HQ. Take over SHIELD, and suddenly you have access to agents, and more importantly weaponry around the world.
-Gotham is another good asset because of Wayne Enterprises/Foundation. Take it over, get Gotham on their side, and quell/bribe the menagerie of Rogues in Gotham to be quiet for awhile, lulling the city in a false sense of security, and trust
-Metropolis has Supers, and needs to be taken out. Yes, it has a tiny bit of Kryptonite.

What does HYDRA want?
The same thing they always want: control. At their very core, they're a group made of fascists, hell bent on making sure that everyone is very much the same as they are. There are members in the group that are in denial about the Nazi ties, or what HYDRA is really all about. Some are just there to have a job, but they're still HYDRA. The higher ups are more fanatic, they dislike people who aren't caucasian and especially despise those with power who aren't on their side. They're willing to kill to cleanse the world under the HYDRA banner and way of life. And this is their latest attempt.

How will this effect YOUR character?
If you are a SHIELD agent, or even work closely with SHIELD, you can expect your character to be attacked. When and how is up to you, and I suggest fighting against these foes with another character, makes for more fun. If you need specifics, feel free to ask me!

If you are part of the Bat Clan, expect to also be directly attacked. HYDRA doesn't know that Wayne's = Bats, however, they need to take care of the entire family so that no "heirs" can go mucking up their plans.

Those with magic will also find attempts on their beings, boosted by intel stolen from SHIELD. Loki has been kidnapped, and I know Chan has plans for that.

Those without magic or without direct ties to SHIELD/Bats can also plan out threads where they are attacked. SHIELD has been infiltrated, sadly, by a number of HYDRA members, and they have gained access to your files. You can expect them to have done their homework and to make a move.

Of course, this being NA, it's up to our characters to stop them.

I can't NPC every HYDRA attack, but I can help wth getting you guys started. Let me know what you think, if you need help. You can thread with me here or email me directly: or hit me up on my AIM.

I know some of you have ideas for this and stuff already brewing, if you do, please post it in the comments below so that others can jump in!

Thanks and happy fascist punching!