May 6th, 2015

[info]seethatcoming in [info]ooc_na

This is totally Age of Ultron's fault but I bring to you the greatest speedster ever, Quicksilver aka Pietro Maximoff. He is formerly of the Brotherhood of Mutants and is trying to make up for the stuff he did while with them.

But yus, I demand plotsies with him!

[info]daneitislorna in [info]ooc_na

Intro Post..... YAY


Alright guys. So this is Stacey, and I'm here with a character that is not blonde, is not DC, and has powers. (WOAH I know.)

Anyway, I have a ton of experience playing her. I played her for five years in one game. It was a movie game so I had a blank slate with her because in the comics she's been through a ton (and has questionable sanity) and I wanted her to be fun.

Anyway, I have put more comic book history into this ones backstory so YAY! You can read her info here. I'm basically taking her some time after recovering from her traumatic brain possession by the Maurader Malice.

Anyway, quick run down.

Lorna is 26 years old, and she was a student at Xavier's and an X-men, until a fateful mission involving Sinister led to his marauder Malice possessing her. Malice had a history of body hopping and causing drama, but something about Lorna's powers and Malice's energy bound them to each other. Malice was just as trapped as Lorna. The difference being that Lorna was completely suppressed the entire time. She caused A LOT of problems, so I imagine there's some back history with any heroes you want! She was like this for over a year before the two were finally separated. She had a bit of therapy, traveled a bit, but found herself in Genosha. She spent a year there. But she's coming home. She's planning to get back to graduate school in the fall, and she'll be in NYC.

This is where I need YOUR help! I have some ideas for her, but there are no x-people in game. So I really don't want her to fall into the same black hole. So she's basically been possessed or away for most of the game, but I want backstories! Old friends she ran into in college? She's rather intelligent and geeky with the earth sciences and math. Her graduate studies have to do with Geophysics. Enemies? Or Malice's old enemies? Hell, I can see several Shield agents just being so tired of Maximoff/Lensherr/Dane dramatics even if none of that was Lorna's fault. Besides I can see her having lived on Genosha for a year as something worth looking into.

I'm also up for meeting new people's.

Like I will take ANYTHING! :)

<3 Stacey

P.S. For any not Marvel savvy people. She is Magneto's daughter. (Though not something she advertises.) And she has his abilities.