June 23rd, 2013

[info]scarlethex in [info]ooc_na

The Return

Hello everyone! I'm finally back from my hiatus and I just want to say it was a blast. Macbeth was fantastic, Alan Cumming is a sweetheart, Pie Face is a delicious shop, Central Park is nice but a crappy place to lose a wallet and the weather was absolutely beautiful! Aside from the wallet issue and almost getting run over by a turning vehicle with no concept of breaking, it was pretty freaking awesome.

Now that I've rambled about my trip... threads! I know I left some hanging because of family times and vacation. Are you guys still interested in continuing those? I'm cool with either continuing or dropping. Up to you. Also, would anyone like to start some new threads? I know it was Billy and Tommy's birthday a couple days ago - Dan, would you like to scene something with Wanda and Billy? Get them chatting again. Mind if Wanda drops Tommy a text, Noel? Hope he's having fun in Vegas, the little scamp! :P

Oh and a little picture for you guys to enjoy! )