December 1st, 2012

[info]nothawkette in [info]ooc_na

thread summaries for SEPTEMBER 1-15 )

[info]bat_mod in [info]ooc_na

Hey, everyone!

Activity Checks are over, and we only lost Todd Rice/Obsidian this period. However, we gained:

Charles Xavier/Professor X
Miguel O'Hara/Spidey 2099
Stephanie Brown/Spoiler
Talia al Ghul

For more, Push da button. )

[info]flyingsolo in [info]ooc_na


Meme time! I thought this might be fun given the big day that looms closer!

December 21, 2012! The Mayans were right! ZOMG! Post your character name and your fellow players will tag in with their character. The player will then describe what the characters do on their last day on Earth!

[info]bat_mod in [info]ooc_na

Secret Santa/Gift Exchange )