November 25th, 2012

[info]noir_canary in [info]ooc_na

Slowatus Warning 11/27-11/30

Slowatus Warning:

I'm house sitting for my mom this upcoming week (from Tuesday to Friday), so I'll be back on my tiny laptop over at her house in the evenings. I'm not expecting too much of a change in posting schedules (hopefully) but posting isn't always as easy and fluid on the tiny laptop as it is on my home PC, so please bear with slow replies.

[info]gothamisashes in [info]ooc_na

New character :)

Hey guys! Megan here, with my second character, Bane! Right now, he's a member of the League of Assassins and will be heading to Gotham soon. For now, he'll be laying low most of the time, watching what Lex Luthor is doing, and maybe getting involved (KATIE, LET'S TALK!) there... and Kim and I have some plans down the line that will spell bad news for Batman and the people close to him.

SO I'd love to plot stuff for him with you guys. Hit me up here or on AIM at escapemysightgl if you're interested. :)