October 24th, 2012

[info]coolestguyever in [info]ooc_na

Back from hiatus! And very pleased about it. Sorry for the impromptu hiatus but apparently I needed it as I was barely online last week...at all. I think I might have signed in a couple of times. Seriously, it was bad!

Anywho, if you need my peoples for anything, if we talked about doing something before, please let me know on this entry or via email. Do not tell me about it on AIM because chances are, I'm totally going to forget about it!

[ Black Widow, Guy Gardner, Rogue, Satana, Sif, & Spider-man ]

[info]thethirdrobin in [info]ooc_na

Damian. Why? Just.. WHY!?!

WTF, Bruce? WTF!?!

Probably safe for work, but I would not click on it there.

[info]hotinhere in [info]ooc_na

All the single ladies...

Okay, are there any players who have a hot single female who hasn't been invited to the Wayne Masquerade and would like to their character to go?

[info]themightysif in [info]ooc_na

Okay, so, Sif was invited by Thor to move into the Avengers mansion. Not to live WITH him with him, but to have a place to stay as she gets accustomed to Midgard. Sif is contemplating staying so that is why she needs to get accustomed! You know, since she is so used to fighting at Thor's side, sitting around Asgard without him and just with the Warriors Three for company is not so much fun for her!

So, random interactions with other people who might be there? Sif discovers the kitchen and believes it to be some sort of torture chamber, perhaps?