October 22nd, 2012

[info]witchy_jen in [info]ooc_na

So I meant to post this ages, and ages ago and then life was all - 'bwwwhhahaha I will upset all your plans'. Anyways, better late then never right? So! I probably have been watching too many horror movies but I was wondering if anyone wanted to do a scene (or scenes but it could probably be wrapped in one) where some teenagers/college students/some other group of people in the spirit of Halloween [EDIT: But not you know necessarily on Halloween :D] call up some monster-y thing via magic. As you do. Possibly they even video tape themselves doing this (yay found footage!) and then some people (for my part - Jennifer!) can stop said monster-y thing? Or can track down the monster-y thing and then stop it?

I know. Details are not my friend right now :/

(Although if this scene happened at: a creepy abandoned summer camp / creepy cabin house in the woods / the last house on the left / ect that would be fitting no? :D)