March 2nd, 2012

[info]knowsherstuff in [info]ooc_na

So it's late and I just did a bunch of coding, forgive me if this intro is SUPER loopy.

Hi! This is Marissa! I am bringing you a character that I love and adore and have played three times in the past, Barbara Gordon. Thanks to the DCnU, I'll be bringing those of you who have played alongside my Babs before a little something new. I am incorporating elements from both the new Batgirl title and Birds of Prey style Oracle, which should be a blast!

Barbara was crippled for 2-3 years of her life from a gunshot wound inflicted by the Joker. In the last year, she has regained use of her legs and worked tirelessly on training. While she was still handicapped, she put her superior intellect to great use and became Oracle, information broker to the superhero community. She has also recently put her resources behind two teams: Heroes for Hire (based out of New York) and the Birds of Prey (based out of Gotham City). She acts as guru, boss-lady and dispatcher for both teams.

Her profile is here and I can be reached by email or on aim most of the time.

I really want all of the scenes. ALL of the scenes. :)

[info]felinefatale_ in [info]ooc_na

Faster Pussycat! Steal! Flirt! Seduce etc etc!

Wow! This all happened so quickly, but it's pretty damn awesome! Excuse the early hours for most of you, alas I live in that Crazy time zone known as GMT - Good news! The future is safe!

I'm Deb and I was tempted here from that hive of scum and villainy known as livejournal. I've been playing Selina for around a year now over there in and out of PSLs and smaller communities but this is my first mixed DC/Marvel group, so colour me trés excited ♥ My Selina is primarily played from Modern age comics (Yes, this includes Catwoman Year One background and all of that tricky streetwalker stuff in her past, Personally I like her troubled back story and I feel it gives her lots of depth.) and is as cunning and bitchy as you would expect.

If you want a little more information on her, feel free to hit up her profile or ask me any questions. You can usually catch me on my aim @ nixxxypie. If you have any ideas for scenes or plots just let me know, I'm pretty much open to anything!

Can't wait to start getting to know my fellow bat cast as well as Marvel people :D Hooray for insane journal, I knew they were hiding all of the good RP groups >.>