April 26th, 2011

[info]_pallasathene_ in [info]ooc_labyrinth


Hi all! I've already introduced myself to some of you but for anyone I've missed, I'm Karen and this is Athena.

Please be patient with me while I play catch up. I know Athena has had tons of past interactions with tons of people that the various website I cruised didn't cover. So I'll probably be stalking you all to make sure I've not missed anything important.

I'm always available by email (matsujo9 @gmail.com) though I'm not able to reply IC from work (plottiness, chatting, etc., I can do). You can also find me on AIM at matsujo9. And IJ. And LJ. And gchat (OK, technically, that's the same as the email.)

I'm East Coast and am online evenings 'til about 1130pm. I'm more than occasionally gone weekends but that'll be settling out in September.

So, um. Yes. Hi!