April 27th, 2011

[info]persephoneunder in [info]ooc_labyrinth

Our Lady of the Underground

One more!

So, this is Sarah again. And that *points at lovely icon* is Persephone. (I still blame Glee for this muse, but I don't blame her in bad ways.)

In the modern world, Seph (her nickname of choice) owns the Bountiful Nursery, just outside Bozeman Montana. It's also a farm and a retreat for those who want to get away from the technological world and connect with nature.

According to her mythology, I couldn't find anyone she didn't like, permanently, anyway. She's a lover, not a fighter, you understand, though not as innocent as she was before Hades snatched her.

She's the first female muse I've had in a while, so I'm going to enjoy her and I look forward to playing with -everyone-. :)