April 25th, 2011

[info]sneezeguard in [info]ooc_labyrinth

Hi, guys! Glee, here, with some goodies for all you mythology lovers: HadesTown.

And I'm guessing most of you are definitely mythology fans, at least a little. ;3

If most of you have already heard of it by now, my apologies! But for those of you who haven't: HadesTown is a folk opera following the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, brought to you by Anais Mitchell, featuring a few other artists. Enjoy the tracks available on MySpace! (My favorites on the site are Wait for Me and Flowers ♥)

ETA: OMG, and this is the best song on the whole album. Hades, you gravel-throated bastard. Nnnn.

[info]jake_winston in [info]ooc_labyrinth

Happy Hour!

Grab a stool! )