April 3rd, 2011

[info]athenacalled in [info]olympian_rewind

Open Scene

Who: Alana, Mel, and who ever else shows up to greet either of them.
What: Random Meetings
Where: Some park in Miami
When: Recent
Warnings: None yet.

Why not have an open scene right? )

[info]pensivxpression in [info]olympian_rewind

Who: Adam & Shiri
What: Marriage Proposal
Where: Their house (mostly)
When: Monday, March 28, 2011
Warnings: None

Do not mention it even though he has forms he has to fill out or at least sign. That will break the romantic mood of the moment and probably make Vally cry from a distance.. )

Summary: Adam put Shiri on a scavenger hunt that eventually led her straight back home and directly into a question that she hadn’t expected but probably should have.

[info]son_of_counsel in [info]olympian_rewind

Who: Shiri and Cato
What: Sibling bonding amongst homework
Where: Cato's dorm room
When: BACKDATED to March 25th.
Warnings: None

Do me a favor? )

Summary: Shiri needs some help with a class assignment, and Cato could use some family company. It all works out!