April 14th, 2010

[info]son_of_counsel in [info]olympian_rewind

Who: Hades & Cato
What: Discussion
Where: Hades' Office
When: Monday Morning, April 5, 2010
Warnings: None

'Hera. Is she still mad at me? ... That was a stupid question.' )

Summary: Cato is summoned to Hades' office, and the two chat about his future and place in the world.

[info]unseen_miami in [info]olympian_rewind

Who: Dante (solo-ish, with Julie and Children)
What: Break
Where: His office
When: Monday Morning, 4/5/2010. Not long after this scene with Cato
Warning: none

Please, please tell me ya didn’t buy that notebook, that mouse and then make me download that randomizing program only to play ‘Press yer luck’ with the stock market. )

Summary: Dante has learned the necessity of taking a break from a gloom and actually manages to do so as he plays with his children instead of working at his job. It’s good to be the boss.

[info]unseen_miami in [info]olympian_rewind

Who: Hades & Persephone
What: Reprieve over, back to depression
Where: The Little-Lot House
When: Backdated. Technically Tuesday 4/6/2010. Not long after this scene
Warnings: none

I wish I could just do something else besides locking Mel up under the same roof with me to help her... )

Summary: Hades collapses into his bed after a long night and talks to his fiance about what to do from here. Persephone does all she can to help him.