August 14th, 2008

[info]sex_bomb in [info]olympian_rewind

Who: Ares and Aphrodite
What: After Poly's text Ares drove off to keep an eye on his consort
Where: Clubbing area in Miami
When: Early Monday morning, August 11th, 2008
Warnings: Aphrodite being drunk, Ares being... Ares.

Keeping it coming gets you this, not just change from it either )

Summary: Ares goes to collect and bring home a very drunk Goddess of Love

[info]hammerfall in [info]olympian_rewind

Who: Hephaestus/Vadimas and Hades/Dante
What: Complaining about Hypnos and hanging out.
Where: The offices of Dante Lot
When: Tuesday, afternoonish
Warnings: None.

You know my policies. No fangirling. )

Summary: Hephaestus informs Hades what Hypnos is doing in his name. Hades resolves to have a little chat with Hypnos. After trying to out maudlin each other for a bit, they decide to kick back and watch an ex-pro wrestler kick the crap out of a dude.