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Jun. 12th, 2009


The god of the Interent speaketh!

Hey guys, I just learned of an awesome Firefox addon that I'm so geeking over and feel the need to share. Meet LJ Hook, which does a lot of cool things, including the awesome auto-assign a random icon to a post!! :OOOO

If you're wondering how it works, you just add it on and restart Firefox, no settings or tinkering. Then next to your little "Select a user pic" drop down thinger, there's a little icon of a picture with an arrow. You click it and up comes a random icon. Click it again, you get another random icon. Cool for when you don't have a specific icon in mind and (like me) tend to chronic default to a certain icon. And no, it does not override the ability to pick a specific icon, so you can still use that crazy OMGWTFBBQ face whenever you feel the need. Just random fun I felt the need to share. =P

Jun. 11th, 2009


Ok, let's have some fun here. Character Meme time!

The rules are simple, answer the questions below, either on behalf of your character(s) or let them answer themselves. Feel free to have fun with it, be silly and go nuts, stray off topic, let them get offended by a question--ham it up! Answer here or in your character's journal, if you do a journal of it be sure to link to it here so we can all enjoy!

Please note, this is entirely optional! Just something to have fun with and maybe help battle the early-summer slump. Ready? Set? Here we go!

So we asked a simple black bird, who was happy as can be )


DDD: ohnoooesss

My computer has died! First one, then my old one i was using until i could see if the first one could be fixed, so now i have no computers and that means no internets DDD:

the soonest ill find out if its fixable/ might be fixed is sunday, and if not then, ill have to buy a new computer, which will probably take a week or so

so i am now on a hiatus DDD: sorry to everyone im in threads with!!

i hope i can survive the lack of internets, i just might wither and die ;___;

Jun. 6th, 2009


Hey Islanders.

Just a quick update to let you all know that we did have to send out an activity notice to one of our players, and for the sake of sparing you all a lecture you've already heard, please refer to this post if you wonder why we are so adamant about activity. Also, make sure you are tagging your entries, one person would have failed the check due to not tagging had we not seen their recent entry at the top of the IC comm page. ;p

Grats and a big round of thank-yous to everyone who passed the check. Please remember that if you start or join a thread, it is a commitment to the others who are in the thread. If you are pressed for time or lose interest, please try and wrap up the thread with a quick post to bow your character out, rather than just leaving it hanging in limbo. I think we can all agree that being left hanging sucks. It's a courtesy and it's much appreciated.

Just another reminder, David is going to unavailable from Sunday until afternoon on Monday. Today is going to be a bit sketchy, so feel free to email the mod account or use the Drop Box for questions or concerns.

Keep rocking with your awesome selves!

Jun. 5th, 2009


Listen up, all you crazy mutant fans! We have a new face!

Please welcome Corri to the game. She will be playing Vanessa DeMalgre, a new Owner who is conveniently found at [info]nessa_demalgre! Please send her a warm welcome and be sure to visit the Friends Page to update your lists!

Jun. 4th, 2009


Alright, lovelies, this is your friendly Co-Mods speaking. XD we've managed to get your desires up and into the fight schedule for the tourney coming up, so here it is and enjoy it while you've got it.
June's tournament )

We are looking forward to your work! And as always, leave any questions in the little box.

-The Mods

Jun. 3rd, 2009


6 Months and a new face!

Hello all you wonderful people!

We wanted to put up a modly message to thank you all so very much for how awesome you all are! We are so excited to have made it to the 6 month mark, some of you new faces may not know the whole history, but this game has been through quite a bit, including the change of mods, losing a mod and a player walk-out. Thank you all for sticking with us and providing us with such incredible characters, story lines and threads, new and old alike have our love and gratitude, as it is the oldies who have been with us through so much and the newbies who have kept the game alive and interesting!

We would also like to welcome a new face to the game, Caitlin has joined us today with the Queen Bitch herself, Emma Frost aka The White Queen! She can be found at [info]purediamond and is currently housed in Green Block. Be sure to drop by the Friends Adder and update your lists and send her a warm ATBL welcome!

Thank you again for all your incredible devotion to the game, we cannot tell you how much your enthusiasm adds to the game. It would just not be the same without all you awesome people. We hope you all have fun with the celebration event, and keep being your stunning selves!

All the love,
-The Mods <3

Jun. 2nd, 2009



Hey, islanders!!

I'm back, portfolio complete (YAY!), and since I have alllll of June to myself, I'm so ready to play. Any characters up for joining Remy on the vacation jaunt??

Since Mia is giving people their heart's desire, Remy wants to go home. Going with Remy means a trip to the Big Easy. Modern day. Therefore, whoever ends up with him will be eligible for lot's of booze and gambling and debauchery. Oh, and a nasty little recapture by Revolve, too.
(Aww, too late, he's been sent off already. Maybe you can join him on his next escape attempt.)


Jun. 1st, 2009


Hey islanders!

As Lee was kind enough to get it all started, have at the anniversary events!
This is also a reminder that the activity check is coming up on the 5th. Between the tournament and the anniversary event most of you should be more than covered, but we wanted to remind you all that there needs to be one IC post per character since the 22nd to pass the check. We don't like being mean!mods so be sure to check your tags to ensure that your characters are active and updated!

Looking forward to reading the event threads!

-The Mods



Just a head's up....I'm gonna go ahead and get the ball rolling on this vacation thing. Ladies and Gents, that means get your openers up so I can start shooting people into the ether.

NOTE: Make sure when you put up your opener that you date it for JUNE 3RD. That way we can get everything together. ALSO Make sure you link your entry back to the explanation thread [HERE]. That way outsiders can know we haven't completely lost our minds.


May. 30th, 2009


Hello, all. Yes, I am sorry, I have been away and will likely be away until at least sunday night in a more official manner. I'm just checking in to see what's going on and how the com is going. We have had a death in my family, and that's why I have not been online recently. When this happens my brain goes into overdrive and I can't write for shit. It will clear up after the funeral, but until then I will likely not be very in character, this the update and no tags.

In a more Modly moment. I would also like to point out that godmodding is still considered illegal in this community and people can be kicked out for it, no matter what the reasoning. It is expected that all instances will be discussed with the other player BEFORE it is followed through.

Outside of that, I will be back to functioning on sunday night or monday sometime. I don't know which. Ttyl, everyone!


May. 28th, 2009


Hey guys, have a small warning for you all.

I'm heading out to get my back worked on in a bit, and it will likely result in my being a mess the rest of the day. And when I say "mess" I mean falling asleep at the computer/on the floor/being an utter space case, etc. So, if you need me for a modly something and I'm missing or I just don't reply for a few hours, don't worry, I'm just pulling a Gibs and laying somewhere drooling on something.

Hopefully I'll be semi-coherent tonight, but regardless I should be back up to speed tomorrow. Don't forget we always have the Drop Box which you all are more than welcome to use to grab the mods.

Don't burn the island down while I'm away! ;p

May. 27th, 2009


6 Month Celebration! & Mod!News

Ok, Islanders! We have a big event planned and want to bring you all in on the celebration!

Celebrate good times--come on! )

We will be having the monthly tournament on the 6th, however, anyone who takes part in the 6 months event will only be required to write out one thread for the tournament. This will let us keep the tournament up but not totally overwhelm you awesome people. Please sign your mutants up for the tourney here.

Questions? Comments? Ideas? Post away, let's hear 'em! You all rock!

Also. Xi has fallen into some RL issues and is going to be busy the next week-ish. That means David's going to be the person to come to with problems/issues/concerns/etc. Send her some love and please bear with David and his scattered brain.

May. 26th, 2009


Please welcome...

Hello, islanders!

We are happy to welcome a new face to the Island, and an owner to boot! Please say hello to Poppy, who will be playing Abigail Redel, a woman who knows how to bring home the bacon, found over at [info]allbusiness. Be sure to update your Freinds List and send some love her way!

May. 25th, 2009



Fellow Islanders,

You have my deepest apologies for my recent inactivity. I suck at y'know.. keeping up with life lately. As I have explained to the mods, I am in need of a hiatus. I thought I would be able to balance online + real life demands, but that has proven wrong. I am for the past week, and for the next week as well, completely and utterly absorbed in nothing except writing an 8 chapter end of the year portfolio, which my entire career depends upon. As I've only a scant few days between my end of the school year (tomorrow) and next Monday, I am unfortunately unable to do anything other than this at the moment. I am sorry for any inconvenience this causes. If I have left you hanging on tags or planned logs, then I beg your patience with me for just another week. Promise, I'll be online so much next week you'll get sick of me.

xoxo, Remy's mun,

May. 23rd, 2009


Please welcome...

Hello all, I have happy news today!

I am here to introduce Steph, who will be playing Mr Wayde Wilson, AKA Deadpool. Poor Mr Wilson is still recovering from some less-than-elective surgery and is locked up in Blue Block awaiting his execution first match, so go be a pal and say hello? His journal is found at [info]mercenary_wade and as always, the Friends Adder has been updated accordingly. Lots of folks in blue currently, let the plot bunnies multiply!


Hey, Islanders.

We've had to issue an inactivity warning to a player in the community, and we would like to be 100% positive that you all are reading the rules and are aware of the policies. We will not be afraid to crack down on inactivity, simply because we don't feel like it's fair to everyone involved in our com. We love our players and the way the island is moving along. We do activity checks by tags, so make sure to tag any thread you start or join to keep your activity clear and up to date! Keep up the good work and thanks for sticking with us. Here's looking towards the 6th month anniversary of ATBL!

Sincerely yours,
The Mods.

May. 21st, 2009


So guys,

I apparently did not get notified of or managed to lose a tag or two in my giant heaps of notifications, have I left anyone hanging? Poke me if I do that, I don't do it on purpose.

Also--anyone wanna throw their character into the ring with Gibs? Non-tournament non-death match fight, just a regular old weekday fight? Gibs wants one, figured I'd see if anyone wants to square off with the smelly mutt.


May. 20th, 2009


Introduction For Me!

Hey there guys, I'm Chris. So far, I'm playing Itzal Bidarte (aka Nox). He's an original character of mine and I can't wait to see how he interacts with you all. Since created, he has a mind of his own... Haha! If you want to just chat or ask for a thread, just IM me at GlaceElementaire.

Just a little bit about me. I'm currently 19, going to college as a Biology major, trying to be a veterinarian one day. I'm utterly nocturnal so people find it best to reach me at night. At college, I'm fairly involved since I'm on three exec boards. Just because I'm involved doesn't mean I won't be checking up on you guys daily! :D

I hope to really have fun with you guys! Oh, and careful of Itzal. He's got some fight to him. ;P

May. 19th, 2009


Mod hat time

Hello, lovely players!

We have a few modly updates and reminders for you all.

First off, we want to remind you all that the acivity check will take place this Friday! Make sure all your characters has updated since the 8th or face modly wrath! Ooooh scary~!

Secondly, we wanted to ask you all your thoughts on the June tournament. See more under the cut )

Third, cuts! Please remember to place your scenes under a cut tag if the starter is long. One or two paragraphs being left out to catch attention is perfectly fine and acceptable, possibly three paragraphs if they are short. But once you hit three or more, please use a cut tag to make the main community page easier to navigate. Don't know how to do a cut? We have the log coding already made for you here and linked on the site map and the main comm, ooc comm and mod journal profile pages.

Finally, we would like to remind everyone that there is a one-month cool down period between applying characters. We realize this can seem like a terribly long time, but this is really only two activity checks and gives us time to see your activity level and gives you time to both get familiar with your current character(s) in the community and plan out how to work your new character in. At the three week mark, you are free to request a hold on your planned character/PB on the Holds page, but please be aware that we cannot hold a character longer than a week. You are free and encouraged to plot and plan in advance with other players for friendships, plots, histories, etc for characters you are planning on bringing in.

All right, that is all from the modly duo tonight, we apologize for the giant wall-o do's and don't's and look forward to your feedback and any questions you have!

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