Oct. 9th, 2008


Spike, I'm hungry.
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Sep. 30th, 2008


Alex )

Sep. 29th, 2008



I'm Marlee!

I'm on a road trip in baby with my big brother. We're going to Vegas to see daddy! Shhh... I'm on his laptop that he says he don't know how to use and I shouldn't touch it. He doesn't know because he's listening to loud music. :) I'll have to show him how when we get to Daddy's house!

Sep. 22nd, 2008


Dean )

Sep. 6th, 2008


Dean )

Sep. 2nd, 2008


I'm going to Vegas for a few days! Try and live without me. ;)
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Sep. 1st, 2008


Alex )

Samantha )

Did you know that New York is actually the largest city in US? I just read that today. I don't know why LA always seems so much bigger.

Aug. 22nd, 2008


As soon as I was staring down at what used to be Sunnydale a tornado came. I felt like I was the Wicked Witch without the bike and there wasn't any music playing. This looks like... Hawaii. I've never been and I've always wanted to go. Traveling by way of tornado isn't exactly my preferred way, but it's probably better than me trying to drive. That is, if I could drive to Hawaii. Or if I could drive at all.

Where am I?


Julia is gone.

I went into the kitchen to make her breakfast and when I went back to the bedroom to wake her up she was gone.


Busy busy busy. By the way, I own my casino now.

John )


I'm feeling much better today. Thank you, Sol, Faith and Dean.

Alex, I'm sorry I haven't called.

Aug. 21st, 2008


This can't be right. The last place I was definitely was not this place. This... looks like Seattle. If anyone can explain the tornado like thing I'd greatly appreciate it. The calendar by my desk is saying it's 2008. Last I checked I was in 2010.


She's gone. Don't bother comin' over or callin'. I won't be answerin' anythin'. Me and Johnny Walker are gonna get reacquainted with one another.


Fucking A.

Trickster, wherever you are I gotta give you credit dude. Death by tornado, pretty badass. Except you fucked up, I'M NOT DEAD ASSHOLE!

Anyway, where the fuck am I?

And why in the name of Satan's butthole does my drivers license say Ted Nugent? I'd never used the name of the 'Nooge, at least not while he's still alive.


Why isn't Bustyasianskanks.com in my bookmarks anymore?