Nov. 10th, 2008


Friends and Family )

Oct. 8th, 2008


Interestin' stories on the news tonight. A casino blowed up and a certain bar had all it's people held hostage. My question is, everybody doin' alright?

Sep. 29th, 2008



I'm Marlee!

I'm on a road trip in baby with my big brother. We're going to Vegas to see daddy! Shhh... I'm on his laptop that he says he don't know how to use and I shouldn't touch it. He doesn't know because he's listening to loud music. :) I'll have to show him how when we get to Daddy's house!

Sep. 27th, 2008


So a pig and a duck walk into a bar...

Locked to Dad, Sam, future!Dean, Jo, and Bobby )
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