Aug. 22nd, 2008


This mi-might sound strange, but has anyone else gotten sucked into a giant tornado lately? I used to live in Sunnydale and this is sort of weird even for me.

Private )

Ummm...why does my drivers license have Al Gore's name on it?

Oh Goddess, this is one of those nightmare's isn't it? The kind Xander and Willow were always talking about where they were naked in high school. Only...worse. Cheese slice man, if you show up I will put a spell on you!


As soon as I was staring down at what used to be Sunnydale a tornado came. I felt like I was the Wicked Witch without the bike and there wasn't any music playing. This looks like... Hawaii. I've never been and I've always wanted to go. Traveling by way of tornado isn't exactly my preferred way, but it's probably better than me trying to drive. That is, if I could drive to Hawaii. Or if I could drive at all.

Where am I?