16 May 2011 @ 12:53 am
Drabble Day: Prompt No. 2  

Hope you're all still working on your drabbles for the last prompt. Remember you have until the end of the challenge to post, so keep them coming - I hope there are lots to read when I wake up in a few hours!

And this hour's prompt is: Surprise.
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Lilith: awz-fanfic[info]lilithilien on May 15th, 2011 08:26 pm (UTC)
Re: Definitely not watching Knock Out (Love is like a car crash) on repeat.
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE! God, this is awesome stuff - you write perfect drabbles, they're all a blur of visceral action and mood, and then you slam in the reason at the end in a way that makes it all make sense. I love it!

Also, I can so see this happening! Oh boys.
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