16 May 2011 @ 12:53 am
Drabble Day: Prompt No. 2  

Hope you're all still working on your drabbles for the last prompt. Remember you have until the end of the challenge to post, so keep them coming - I hope there are lots to read when I wake up in a few hours!

And this hour's prompt is: Surprise.
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amo_amas_amat: lars brooding and awesome[info]amo_amas_amat on May 15th, 2011 02:30 pm (UTC)
Definitely not watching Knock Out (Love is like a car crash) on repeat.
Bending in on himself Mike brings his arms up feebly to protect his head. Lars keeps punching, hurling his body weight into Mike’s side, one fist lands on his left shoulder, two have caught his chin. Lars is yelling but Mike’s ears are ringing too much to understand him.

So much for worrying Lars wouldn’t care. Whatever this is, it’s not indifference. He’s definitely regretting not calling first though.

Mike retreats as much as possible into the wall of the Canadian Olympic ice rink. Lars punches the wall twice then steps back. He stares and says stupidly, “You’re alive then.”
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Aldi: AWZ: Lars is drunk[info]aldiara on May 15th, 2011 02:45 pm (UTC)
Re: Definitely not watching Knock Out (Love is like a car crash) on repeat.
I cannot tell you how much I approve of your Mike/Lars theme! *flails* I love this, it's so characteristic of these two. YOU'RE ALIVE OMG YOU ASSHOLE I WILL PUMMEL YOU INTO OBLIVION. Heeeh. It's clearly insane that this makes me feel mushy but it does. Awwwww, soulmate violence <333 (lolol, yeah, IDE).

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Momo: Mike has a banana by shellykitty[info]momogermany on May 15th, 2011 03:19 pm (UTC)
Re: Definitely not watching Knock Out (Love is like a car crash) on repeat.
Love,love, love this! Omg, how much I miss these two grumpy buggers!
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Lilith: awz-fanfic[info]lilithilien on May 15th, 2011 08:26 pm (UTC)
Re: Definitely not watching Knock Out (Love is like a car crash) on repeat.
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE! God, this is awesome stuff - you write perfect drabbles, they're all a blur of visceral action and mood, and then you slam in the reason at the end in a way that makes it all make sense. I love it!

Also, I can so see this happening! Oh boys.
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G: HarryNikkiCuddle[info]giorgiakerr on May 16th, 2011 07:05 am (UTC)
Re: Definitely not watching Knock Out (Love is like a car crash) on repeat.
This should not be as adorable as it is. <3333333333
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