16 May 2011 @ 12:02 am
Drabble Day: Hello, and Prompt No. 1  
Hi guys! Welcome to the first hour of AWZ DRABBLE DAY!!! \o/ \o/ \o/

It’s midnight here and ungodlier hours in many corners of the world. Nevertheless, your currently hosting brainthird is armed with coffee, bravado and a whip, and if I do not see drabbles popping up like daisies, I will be forced to act like this:



Okay, ready? Here's a reminder of the rules, should you need it. In short, post your drabbles to your own journals, then link them below in the comments for this prompt. (Since it's been asked - if you'd rather JUST put your drabble in the comments instead of linking to your own journal, sure, go for it - it just means that you won't get comments to it on your own journal).

Oh, right, I should give you an actual prompt, yeah?

Your prompt No. 1 is: "Personal training"

And.... GO! \o/
Current Mood: bouncy
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4nn4: hmm...[info]4nn4 on May 15th, 2011 10:28 pm (UTC)
Getting better (wait- what? is this my first fic ever??)
Roman concentrated on some indefinable point in the room, holding back his tears. He wanted to think of that song he heard yesterday. He'd skate the perfect routine to it and get standing ovations and teddy bears.

He did that every time – it became something of his personal training.

His father's palm first hitting his cheek was still imprinted in his memory. He'd gasped, then cried, showing him just how much it hurt.

So now, after every insult, every slap in the face, he played a story in his head, ignored the pain.

He got better at it every day.
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Aldi: AWZ: Roman is broken (Je t'aime shirt)[info]aldiara on May 16th, 2011 03:42 am (UTC)
Re: Getting better (wait- what? is this my first fic ever??)
God, this breaks my heart. Oh Roman :CCCCC

Also, if this is your first fic ever, I WANT MORE. This is such a poignant little character study, capturing so much in those few words. Beautiful job!
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4nn4: DeRo hug[info]4nn4 on May 18th, 2011 08:41 am (UTC)
Re: Getting better (wait- what? is this my first fic ever??)
*cuddles* thank youuuu

not sure there will be any more fic from me, this kinda just popped into my head, so I thought: might as well give it a shot. but I don't think it will become a real hobby :P
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winterlover: AWZ - Roman melancholy[info]winterlover on May 21st, 2011 02:49 pm (UTC)
Re: Getting better (wait- what? is this my first fic ever??)
I really like your small glimpse into Roman's mind. How he's learned to ignore the pain.

Makes me think of today, if he's still doing it like this???
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