Nov. 18th, 2010


News Report-Skrull Invasion

The invasion of the Skrull armadas on Earth has ended.

After bringing down the communications and defensive systems of the major governments, space ships carrying Skrull soldiers and weapons appeared over major cities and began to deploy their people. It is rumored that the efficiency of their ability to side-step our defenses came from months of infiltrating the government and key international companies by replacing people with shape changing spies. This would seem ridiculous, except for previous involvements with Skrull aliens.

The fight between terrans and the Skrulls was evenly matched, if not slipping to the Skrulls, until many representatives, including different government agents, the Avengers, the Justice League and others were able to bring down the space ships or overwhelm strike team. Costs due to damage from these fights are projected into the billions, but already governments and non-profits are setting up shelters and contingency plans.

As evenly matched as the two sides were, the crucible of the battle occurred with the fight against the head of the Skrull invasion, sources are calling Queen Veranke, who had been operating under the disguise of Avenger Spider-Woman for an unknown time. It was revealed the stimulus of this plan to over-throw humanity was the annihilation of the system of planets the Skrulls are native from in a distant star system. The goal allegedly was to acquire this world as a new homeworld for their culture.  It is to believed a second weapon was about to be unleashed, rumored to be a killing plague to wipe out all citizens of Earth, when Veranke was killed by an energy blast. Sources confirm the kill, and recordings of the execution are drifting around the internet.

Authorities will not release the name of the person who killed the invading queen as of now.

Once their leader was destroyed, the remaining armies broke line and  have scattered, back into space. It is suspected a few stragglers still  walk amongst us. Prisoners of the Skrull, hostages take to be replaced by sleeper agents, were found in a smaller jettisoned ship and are currently under serious medical scrutiny.

More to be published as it is released. The question remains through all of this: how did our governments and agencies allow this kind of infiltration, destruction and near obliteration of the Earth to happen? Who is responsible for this lax security?

Nov. 11th, 2010


Who: Locked to Simon Williams and Wanda Maximoff
What: Confessions and stopping invasion
Where: somewhere in Europe
when 11/11/2010
Rating: R
Status: complete.
I miss her )

Nov. 10th, 2010


Who: Logan,Rouge,Silverfox,Gambit, Colossus and kitty
What: Rescue.
Where: X-men hangar.
when 11/10/2010
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete.
Gotta a job )

Nov. 6th, 2010


Who: Clint and Jess and others wake up possibly.
What: Break out
Where: alien ship
when 11/6/2010
Status: complete.
What the hell? )

Oct. 25th, 2010


Who: Jash (Skrull!martha) and the members of Torchwood
What: The invasion begins in Wales
When: Same day as all the other threads (I fail for putting it up late)
Where: Torchwood Hub, Cardiff, Wales
Why: Because the Skrulls have to show their superiority and... well you'll see.
Status: Open to Torchwood Personnel

And at that she set them off, causing a massive explosion within the hub.  )

Oct. 24th, 2010


Who: Hulkling
Where: Outside Young Avengers Warehouse
When: Sunday , October 24th , 2010
Why: invasion
open: Yes
Skrull royalty )

Oct. 23rd, 2010


The Battle for Latveria

Who: Ihsan, Open to Doom and Viper
What: The defense of Latveria
Where: Castle Doomstadt
When 10/23/2010
Rating: R
Status: Incomplete.

When the invasion forces reached Latverian soil, Ihsan called out to Doom and Viper from his crystal slumber. He informed them of the coming enemies and their estimated strength.

He spoke to Doom and Viper both when he said

"Return the blade...
Complete the circle...
Release me from this prison"

From it's safe place, the sword Loex Grandius called out to Doom

"The battle approaches your doorstep. The master wishes to lend his full strength to the defense of your kingdom"

Oct. 5th, 2010



EVENT: Video released to the press, from Iron Man's database.

Sep. 19th, 2010


Who: Skrull!Dean and whomever
What: Taking his new skin out for a walk
When: Today
Where: Bloodhaven
Rating: PG13
Status: Incomplete

Another wave of invaders would be inland soon and it was this troops duty to chose their next victims... )

Sep. 12th, 2010


New transmission...

EVENT: Mysterious television and radio transmission, interrupting all signals on the hour, every hour. There is no way to trace, scramble or disrupt the signal. It is nothing like anything we have encountered before but the transmission is as follows:

Sep. 8th, 2010


Who: Oliver Queen, Dinah Lance, Cissie King-Jones and the Skrulls
What Skrull plan foiled
Where Star city
Rating: r-violnece
Status: complete.

Sep. 7th, 2010


Who: Skrull!Martha Jones and Skrull!Jessica Drew
Where: Landing in the UK, then near Torchwood
When: Afternoon
What: Reconnoitre and deliveries
Warnings: Plotting to take over the world

Sep. 3rd, 2010


Who: Skrull!Martha (shhh its a secret) and Open (to Torchwood members)
What: Skrull!Martha and the Torchwood Computer System (among other things)
When: Late Evening September 1 - Early Morning September 2.
Where: Torchwood 3 Hub, Cardiff
Why: Because she has to know everything and report back to her queen.
Status: TBD

Sneaking around after hours )

Aug. 28th, 2010


Who: Hawkeye and spider-women
What: Things are not what they seem
Where: Middle east
when 8/28/2010
Rating: TBD
Status: complete.
It begins )

Aug. 26th, 2010


To All Sources and Teams Ed Works With (Email)

Ok, that transmission is driving me nuts! There is no way to trace it or anything but I'm trying a few more tricks not in the playbook (trust me, these are unique to my world of cyberpspace).

Captain Jack: Emailed you what I have on the Subsiders, its mostly for Asia but its a start right?

Sage: I'm trying a few more tricks but you have email as well.


EVENT: Mysterious television and radio transmission, interrupting all signals on the hour, every hour. There is no way to trace, scramble or disrupt the signal. It is nothing like anything we have encountered before but the transmission is as follows:

"We come from another world...
We come, in peace...
To offer you a new way,
A better way,
To build a perfect future,
For you, humans...
We just need you.. to embrace change."