May. 12th, 2011


Who: Wiccan and ???
What: Re-reuniting
When: Today
Where: Avengers Mansion
Rating: TBD
Status: Open / Incomplete

Let me fly. Let me be weightless. Let me fly. Let me be weightless. Let me fly. )

Feb. 23rd, 2011


Who: Wiccan and Hulkling
What: Thank yous
When: Today
Where: Avengers Mansion
Rating: TBD
Status: CLOSED / Incomplete

Truth be told he thought the young man was rather attractive. )

Feb. 20th, 2011


Who: Wiccan, Doom and [later] Speedy, Wanda and Simon
What: Magical duel
When: Today
Where: Latveria
Rating: PG13
Status: Incomplete

Why are you doing this? )

Oct. 24th, 2010


Who: Hulkling
Where: Outside Young Avengers Warehouse
When: Sunday , October 24th , 2010
Why: invasion
open: Yes
Skrull royalty )