Feb. 23rd, 2010


who: Koemi and Rhys
where: Koemi's apartment
when: Tuesday night
what: Rhys is persuaded into supplying Emi with hot cocoa, snacks, and company during the black out.
Rating: pretty much G

In need of a fix )


Who: Madeline Morovoz and Sofie Collins
Where: La Palette Galerie
When: Tuesday in lieu of classes, afternoon
What: Job Interview
Rating: PG

Read more... )

Nov. 20th, 2009


Who: Chelsea Cooperstein and Sofie Collins
When: November 19th, 2009, late afternoon
Where: Chelsea's home, 312 Laramie St
Rating: PG at most

Summary: Chelsea gets a visitor
Warnings: Probably none

The waiting is the hardest part )