Feb. 23rd, 2010


who: Koemi and Rhys
where: Koemi's apartment
when: Tuesday night
what: Rhys is persuaded into supplying Emi with hot cocoa, snacks, and company during the black out.
Rating: pretty much G

In need of a fix )

Feb. 15th, 2010


Who: Rhys and Madeline
When: February 14, 2010
Where: Crevasse
Rating: PG?

Summary: Rhys become enlightened as he works on a project with Madeline.
Warnings: Confusion. Oh, the confusion.

Maybe she had a hidden crazy gene )

Jan. 17th, 2010


Who: Rhys and Melina
When: January 17, 2010
Where: Crevasse Coffeehouse
Rating: PG

Warnings: Fluff?
Summary: Rhys chats up his classmate Madeline Melina?

Oh no, mistaken identity! )

Jan. 9th, 2010


Who: Jesse Venture & Rhys Pendragon
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Crevasse Coffeehouse
Rating: XXX for how hot it just got in the coffeehouse.

Summary: Rhys has a new job, and Jesse is easily excitable.
Warnings: None yet, unfortunately.

The new guy! )