March 2010



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Jan. 22nd, 2010


WHO: Snake and Shawn
WHEN: Thursday afternoon
WHERE: In front of Shawn's door
WARNINGS: Alcohol and cursing, maybe?

Here's some pizza and beer! )

Jan. 18th, 2010


Who: Ira, the Moorens, and Jesse
When: Monday, January 18, 2010
Where: Solaris St. and Crevasse Café
Rating: PG-13, for language.
Summary: Theo traumatizes his father (and Ira). Then they have lunch.
Warnings: I don’t even want to know how much Staas will owe the swear jar after this thread. Also, self-indulgent music reference on my part.

in the blink of an eye and be gone from me )


Who: Brian and Lucas
When: Monday, January 18, 2010
Where: Darwin’s Bar
Rating: PG-13, for alcohol abuse and possible cursing.
Summary: boozy fun times go go go
Warnings: drunken pretension? rambling angst? eerie coincidences?

these are the clouds about the fallen sun/ the majesty that shuts his burning eye )


Who? River and Kayla
What? Fall out
When? Sunday, after Kayla comes back from playing Nurse
Where? Their apartment
Warnings Alcohol, mentions of sex, and foul language. NSFW

Alcohol got her into it, and it would get her back out. Alcohol solves everything )

Jan. 17th, 2010


Who: Rhys and Melina
When: January 17, 2010
Where: Crevasse Coffeehouse
Rating: PG

Warnings: Fluff?
Summary: Rhys chats up his classmate Madeline Melina?

Oh no, mistaken identity! )


Who: Kayla Hart and Elliot Nash
When: January 17, mid afternoon
Where: Elliots Bedroom
Rating: mild for cursing?

Elliot didn't remember a lot of things about the night. )


Who: Jesse Venture & Sam West
When: Semi-late Saturday (January the 16th!) night
Where: Sam's flat
Rating: XXX because that's what the porn stars do.

Warnings: Probably cursing. Because that's the one thing Jesse is terribly good at.
Summary: Jesse did not have a good day, not like anyone can really tell.

Seriously, it was just not his day. )

Jan. 15th, 2010


Who: Madeline and Melina
When: January 15, 2010, night
Where: Their apartment
Rating: PG

Warnings: Shouldn't be any~
Summary: Maddie is trying to study. Melina has other plans.


Who: Violet and Sam
When: January 15, 2010, morning
Where: Pyreal & Pero
Rating: PG

Warnings: Annoyance and flirting
Summary: Violet has the attention span of a gnat.

Who needs to work when you can read your days away? )

Jan. 14th, 2010


Stuck onto Elliot's door )

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