February 15th, 2010

[info]allkeyedup in [info]nearside_rpg

Who: Key Issacs, Harley, and Leslie Hurst
When: Monday February 15th, 2010
Where: Nearside Public Park
Rating: PG to PG-13 Because you never know what could happen
Summary: Key is in desperate need of some fresh air and a change of scenery so he drags Harley for a walk.
Warnings: Maybe a wee bit of language?

For the tenth time in the past half hour or so, Key cursed his own idiocy. )

[info]rhysisadragon in [info]nearside_rpg

Who: Rhys and Madeline
When: February 14, 2010
Where: Crevasse
Rating: PG?

Summary: Rhys become enlightened as he works on a project with Madeline.
Warnings: Confusion. Oh, the confusion.

Maybe she had a hidden crazy gene )

[info]growingviolet in [info]nearside_rpg

Who: Violet and Elliot
When: February 5, 2010 (backdated like ~whoa)
Where: Mama's
Rating: PG-13 for sexy time...only not really.

Warnings: None?
Summary: Violet and Elliot have their first date. D'awwww.

Oh, this is the night, it's a beautiful night. )