January 14th, 2010

[info]daeissacs in [info]nearside_rpg

Who: Dae and Key
Where: Dae's apartment
When: January 4th (backdated)
Rating: PG-13 at the most

Warnings: FLUFF!
Summary: Key and Dae have some srs bsns to discuss.

Oh, god...she actually LIKES him. )

[info]judgemaddie in [info]nearside_rpg

Who: Madeline and Open
When: Thursday, Jan 14 2010, Late Afternoon
Where: P&P bookstore
Rating: PG/TBD
Summary: Looking for supplementary textbooks, and a few other things.
Warnings: One of the people I haven't played with, or I will bite.

That does not look like a dictionary. )

[info]kanaha in [info]nearside_rpg

Stuck onto Elliot's door )