January 9th, 2010

[info]el_torro_staas in [info]nearside_rpg

Who: Staas, Ira, and Kayla
When: Sat, Jan 9, 2010 (backdated one day)
Where: Madam Blueberry's
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Staas wants to buy a jacket, Ira helps him out
Warnings: Swearing. Alida and Theo are going to end up going to Yale or something, with the money from the swear jar.

Joining the Black Parade )

[info]el_torro_staas in [info]nearside_rpg

Who: Staas and Ira
When: Sat, Jan 9, 2010
Where: Past Life
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Staas brings his kids to look at antique toys
Warnings: Staas has a dirty mouth, look out for cussing!

Taking a Break )

[info]linovasq in [info]nearside_rpg

Who: Lino, Mateo, and Third
When: Thursday night, January 7th, 2010 (backdated)
Where: Sunnyside, Mateo's place.
Rating: PG-13, as it's Mateo.

Warnings: Cursing?
Summary: Lino wants to see his family and share the good news of his promotion.

Yay, a promotion! )

[info]this_bloke_sam in [info]nearside_rpg

Who: Sam and Jesse
When: Sat, Jan 9, 2010, late night
Where: Spectrum Apts, mostly Jesse's flat
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Sam can't sleep, again. Jesse is a friendly face.
Warnings: Probably some swearing or something

Company )

[info]jesse_venture in [info]nearside_rpg

Who: Jesse Venture & Rhys Pendragon
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Crevasse Coffeehouse
Rating: XXX for how hot it just got in the coffeehouse.

Summary: Rhys has a new job, and Jesse is easily excitable.
Warnings: None yet, unfortunately.

The new guy! )