Nam Vitae RPG

It's life... Just life.

Nam Vitae Role Playing Game


May 1st, 2012

RP: Dress Shopping

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Date: May 1, 2012
Characters: Charisma Gibbons, Olivia Gibbons, Jula Jozwik, Stella and Georgia Gibbons (NPCs)
Location: La Belle Femme
Status: Private
Rating: PG
Summary: Charisma's going dress shopping.
Completion: Complete

A different kind of Cinderella story... )

April 4th, 2012

RP: Perfection is a matter of opinion

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Date: April 4, 2012
Characters: Erica Allen, Ezra Loy, Neve Stadheim, Ena Ratliff, Eleanor Warren (NPC), Pierre Dijoux (NPC), April Landin (NPC)
Location: La Belle Femme
Status: Semi-Private
Rating: PG
Summary: Erica is finally shopping for her wedding dress.
Completion: Complete

So many choices! )

March 19th, 2012

Call: Erica to Jula

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Date: March 19, 2012
Characters: Erica Allen, Jula Jozwik
Location: La Belle Femme, wherever Jula is
Status: Private
Rating: PG
Summary: The choice has been made, now to just make the calls.
Completion: Complete

Sometimes all it takes is a second chance... )

March 14th, 2012

RP: Second Interview

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Date: March 14th, 2012
Characters: Erica Allen, Jula Jozwik, Pierre and Brigitte Dijoux (NPCs)
Location: La Belle Femme
Status: Semi-Private
Rating: PG
Summary: Second interviews are happening today, and Brigitte is the test.
Completion: Complete

Please don't cry, it's just an act! )

March 7th, 2012

RP: Help Wanted?

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Date: March 7th, 2012
Characters: Erica Allen, Jula Jozwik
Location: La Belle Femme
Status: Semi-Private
Rating: PG
Summary: Jula stumbles across a 'help wanted' sign up at La Belle Femme
Completion: Complete

Anything is better than a bar and grille..... )
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