July 20th, 2012



[No Subject]

CAMELOT and BABYLON \o/ Stealing Angie's plot post things hurhurhur

BABIES, shenanigans going down this weekend, so here is a plot post for that to keep everything organized, please have your characters spam- troll - ect as required IC. \o/ Corrections and additions to the plot, spamming and all is welcome. :3c


♘ Muse family- 1. I know Thalia is staying behind to look for Syrinx but are you all trolling in Camelot this weekend? Euterpe, Apollo please confirm! :3c

♘♘Thalia is staying behind to look for Syrinx. Apollo, Euterpe and Reed are going to be in Camelot. Euterpe is going to come see bashed!Merlin.

Regarding Syrinx gone missing, people would have begun noticing more by now, Nephy and Anubis know of Syrinx's ~thingy~ with Osiris. So Osiris is meant to find out she's missing soon as well. Val, yes? :3

♘♘ Nephy made a post here for people!

♘ Reactions/speculations and stuff are all welcome now as to where Syrinx might be. So have at it as you want guys! ♥

♘ Anubis is wondering what is going on in Babylon.

♘ Pan and Echo are Babyloning it up soon (dates pending on what works for you Angie!) so we can get that plot set up soon.

♘♘ Pan and Echo are going to be in Babylon soon, stay tunned for plot regarding them, and missing nymphs and trololol.

♘ Now Camelot! Merlin has announced publicly that Igraine will be acting in his stead. He has claimed someone has tried to kill him- an assassination, even if this is not true! There are no clues incriminating Jubba Jubba or anything like that (unless you'd like there to be Shi!) There are def no clues incriminating Jubba Jubba! but mostly this assassination claim is to tense things up in Camelot and stir trouble. Samyaza and Pheme are welcome to stir up speculations and newspapers and all.

♘♘ Igraine is now the de-facto chancellor for Camelot.

♘♘On this same note, Morpheus will also be making an appearance, presumably after he goes to Iriy to identify a body- so on the way back? ZERO LET ME KNOW. Morpheus should be currently in Camelot! Pheme all the rumors are yours~

♘♘ Mordred is going to travel to Iriy on a 'diplomatic mission' to chillax with Galahad. Niflheim and others are free to speculate if this means Camelot has something planned. :3

♘♘♘ Fighting is going to start in the border between Babylon/Camelot since that is where Set designated the Iriy/Nifl fighting to take place. HOWEVER, it is likely to end up spilling all over the place.

ALSO, neutrals CAN speculate about all of the above, have opinions, make posts, etc. Any changes/additions, comment below and this post shall be edited!




mmm icons


DARLINGS. Because I'm currently rolling over a batch of KStew icons, I have an offer -- if any of you need some icons of a certain PB, I'd be happy to make you some! My icon journal is [info]octonaut if you'd like a peek. I'm always trying to experiment with icons, so I can't promise I'll do superbly with screencaps, though I will do my bestttt. Just find as many pictures as you'd like, zip em, and email the zip to me so I can frolick through them.

Also unrelated -- I might toss up my NYC guide from LJ and add in some facts and more things, in light of my excitement to visit NYC at New Years. With any luck, LJ has not made my guide all wonky as fuck. ;c