July 19th, 2012



dramas r for llamas


Babies~ Jill and I have a couple of plots to run by you guys for the sake of dramarz, because emails get lost and people don't like spam so~ HERE, HAVE AT.

✗ We've decided that, Pasithea's baby? Is not actually Pollux's. Baby is in fact Hypnos'! They would have had a brief fling months ago, resulting in the bebbeh, but Hypnos is still unaware that it's his. Would one of his siblings like to have been confided in by Pasithea about it, and have that secret to keep away from Hypnos for the sake of her marriage?

✗ Then~ Hyacinth is coming to Camelot on the weekend. He will meet with Raven and Hebe. Things will be talked about. Eventually, possibly around Monday or so, they're going to decide to run away to Niflheim to stay with Hyacinth. SORRY MOM AND DAD. .. she's taking the cat, too. :| Basically, this is a warning that Demeter and Menelaus will have to react to NO BB GIRL sometime very soon. She'll leave a letter of apology of course.

✗ Whenever Echo decides it, Pan is going to take her to Babylon so she can see Anubis. Which is all well and good for her, but he's the one who took Syrinx SO. I give permission for Euterpe to recognize him and point him out to her family, if Apollo would like to get involved? idk what sort of things he'd really do to Pan, but seeing as he was seen with Syrinx, someone can have the chance to question him. SO APOLLO. DO YOU WANT A PAN?

The endddd. ♥



[No Subject]

Guys, it's Joana. I wanted to explain what's going on and expand a little on my disappearance act. I'm currently in a new job and part of a science group which is barely starting. This means it's just a colleague and I with a lot of work to be done for yesterday. She went on vacations last week and shall be so until August. Which leaves me trying to finish up stuff before my own vacations. It's been complicated and doesn't leave me much time or will to play.

I'm sorry. I know Zurvan deserves much more plotting and work than what I've been able to give it and that's not far for any of you. But I'm really stuck until more or less the 17th of August.