Apr. 17th, 2008


Aphrodite eyed Strife and Harmonia as the trio reappeared in the courtyard of her temple, offering a stern look.

"It seems I need to go talk to Ares about what occurred... so if you two think you can avoid turning anyone into reptiles or raising the dead or starting global thermonuclear war or whatever it is you manage to get into for a while, I'd appreciate it. And Strife? I know you're going back there, no matter what anyone says... but don't let her go alone, or I'll have your head."

She smirked lightly as she swept past them into her home, she wasn't geting a break at all it seemed. And wasn't it just oh so kind of Hephaestus and Ares to drop all of this in her lap anddo nothing? This had been Heph's idea and Ares' goal for ages, and here she was the one holding verything together... or trying to at all.

With little effort she was able to work herself into quite a bad mood, grabbing the scroll of Apollo's spell to take with her as she relocated herself to Ares' temple. Ares, whom she was mad at to begin with... Ares, who was personifying the idea of good for nothing, and dared to hurt her in the process. Ares was going to gert the brunt of her temper, it seemed.

"Ares... Come out, come out where ever you are..."

She called out as she entered his temple, working her way to his throne room... he couldn't be that many places.

Feb. 25th, 2008


Madness...Raving Madness.

Apollo pushed past him, his arms around Eris as he laughed at Hermes. They all left him in the entry way alone, Dite's voice in his head as he tried to make sense...

Everything felt wrong. His hands were shaking as he reached out for the the door, only to pull back a moment later and look away.

It is all wrong Dite, he said softly, Apollo...

He drifted, stumbling back as groaned. It was wrong. It was all wrong. He moved from the entry way, and through Dite's more private quarters. A servant came running toward him, and Hermes jerked away, surprised and startled as he pushed her away.

"I know you were behind it, just fix it all." The girl hissed it at him as he back away, "Die...Die....Poor little Hermes."

"Get away from me!"

She stopped looking at him Maliciously (or that was what he saw) before she turned an ran out of the room, Hermes falling to the floor and crawling into a corner where he hide, curled into a ball and rockin'.

Its all wrong...I didn't do it....I...

Only he wasn't so sure anymore.

Feb. 17th, 2008


And the meeting can finally begin...

Chin up and full of confidence, she walked out of her salon into the main audience chamber, escorted by Deimos. She paused once inside, taking a quick inventory of those there... some were expected of course, and others posed quite the surprise. She pat Deimos arm lightly and released it with a smile.

"I'm going to make the rounds... if you'd like to rejoin your brother, that'd be fine."

If he wished to go with her he was of course welcome, but she doubted he was really in the mood. Seeing as how she already felt a pang of guilt for what she'd asked of him, she saw no need to torture him further. She decided to start at the back, moving to each group of individuals quickly, greeting each deity in turn, offering each a welcome of some sort, stopping only for a moment with each.

"Iris, thank you for coming."

"Anteros, please stop scowling... it's hardly flattering."

"...Flidais. What a surprise.. welcome to my home."

"Artemis. It's good to see you. Thank you for getting the ball rolling with the refreshments... There may have been riots. It's appreciated."

"Hephaestus..." To him she said nothing, just smiled as patted his cheek lightly, thumbing away the lipstick mark left by Artemis' kiss.

She moved closer to where the bulk of her children were gathered, and a small stand off seemed to be happening.

"Harmonia.. Do sit up straight, please.:

"Strife" She offered him a wink. "You're still here and sitting still? Wonders may never cease."

"Ate - It's been a very long time since you've graced my temple."

"Elpis. Welcome."

"Zelos... You already know I'm glad to see you."

"Limos.... my, you've grown up quite handsome, haven't you?"

"Lethe, a pleasure."

She bent down to kiss Phobos,the only one of her children present she'd not seen recently, on the cheek lightly. "You're plotting something, darling... I hope it waits till we're done here."

She straightened and smiled at everyone again, surprised at hose she noticed were missing.. Hermes, most obviously, and Thanatos - though she expected he'd return. Hermes, though - one could never be sure about. He could be dealt with later, though.

"Thank you all for coming. I do appreciate your patience. I wanted to say first that I realize everyone is being affected by this... and I kno no one is very happy. I do not know what has happened - but I plan on working hard to find out what it is, and restore everyone to their rightful selves. I know we're all anxious for answers, and while I can't promise any today, I do hope that maybe collectively we can perhaps pool our knowledge, and see if together we might be able to discover anything."

Feb. 3rd, 2008


As they sat, she could hear something in the hallway just outside the chamber, and frowned in the general direction, only lifting a brow as an attendant approached her.

"We are unable to locate Lady Aphrodite... and she has many guests."

"So... you're going to make them wait in the hall? My mother will be back eventually.. Let them all in already... "

Gods... sure they were cute, but they weren't all always very bright... She waved a hand dismissing the cabana-boy-esque doorman, and offered a somewat forced smile to the three gods already there.

"And... it looks like it's about to begin. I'm offering 5-2 odds there's a fight somewhere before Mother comes back... do I have any takers?"

She glanced from them to the door was opening, rather surprised atthe number of people now entering the room.

Jan. 24th, 2008


Hephaestus nodded with a small frown as Death made his exit, feeling as if he missed something. Before he could comment on it, the other god had left the building. He shrugged apologetically as he looked at Aphrodite.

"My apologies, Machanitin. I only wanted a word. Will you tell me what occurred between you and my brother?"

He watched her as he asked the question, expecting resistance. However, he could not shake the feeling that it had been monumental in scope.

Jan. 12th, 2008


She sent her children off to do what needed to be done, and had wandered back down to the main area of her temple to do what she had stated was her responsibility. There really was no possible way to avoid telling him, She realized. he'd figure it out eventually, and then all hades might break loose. She had no desire to be the one sharing the news, but it had to be her... who knows what he'd do to Deimos or Hermes, or god forbid, Anteros. rubbing her brow lightly, she sighed, and did what she needed to.

"Ares... Your presence is required..."

She crossed her arms as she waited for him, preparing for a fight.

Never one to be obedient or punctual – unless someone was going to be brutally harmed in some way, then he was front row and center, beaming – he did not acknowledge Aphrodite’s summon for several minutes, knowing full well she knew he had received it and was merely being typically unruly.

Exploding into the room Dite had located herself in, Ares appeared looking a little disheveled. His hair was awkwardly everywhere, he was unshaven and clothes were pulled this way and that. Clearing his throat, he wiped something off his neck, lofting an expectant eyebrow at Love. “Mn?” he finally questioned.

"Oh good... you've dressed for the occasion. You do look fabulous..."

She smirked and she shook her head lightly. There was an aura of tension around her... this wasn't her typical aspect of the all loving Pandemos, but instead Areia, war like love.... or not love, as the case may be. Her hair was pulled back and plaited down her back, and she wore a long dress of scarlet, clingy but loose enough for movement.

She unwove her arms and beckoned him to follow with one as she walked out toward the gardens. "Have you noticed anything.. strange recently?" About yourself?

Glancing down at himself, he crinkled his nose slightly. He did look a little... dilapidated, and far less immaculate than normal. But.. as she had eluded, there were a few things that were slightly... off. And his recent endeavors – despite them not being detailed yet – were an indication to whatever was wrong.

Straightening his shirt, Ares brushed his hair with his palm, trying to make it a little more presentable, especially considering how resplendent Love looked. “Yeah..” he confirmed, shadowing behind her a pace or two.

"Oo.. Poise and verbosity. You're almost ready for you're Mr. Olympus pageant. "

She lifted a hand lightly to her brow for a moment.. there was no reason (so far as she knew, at any rate) to take this out on him... And regardless of her current mood, fighting was one thing she was looking to avoid, at least on a large scale. She took his arm, and led him to a pool of Koi fish swimming peacefully in a tranquil pool.

"Make them fight?"
longer than I thought... )
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Jan. 1st, 2008


Hephaestus was in his forge after an absence that was far too long in his opinion. Aphrodite was a pistol these days, attempting to whip everyone in to shape - but new powers or not Heph was not willing to give up the work he loved. It wasn't that he did not enjoy the Underworld - it was not that different than Olympus. He was meeting Underworlders in bits and pieces, and so far had not had an unexpected reaction. Most were wary, some hostile, most worried that he was going to change everything around. Aphrodite had come to help him establish himself, and he was already missing her. He had to wonder if she was browbeating Ares as much. He would go visit his brother, but not until he managed to get some work done. He only hoped it took a while for his wife to notice the smoke escaping his forge.

Dec. 27th, 2007


She could not truly recalling ever having worked quite so hard in her life before this. It was exhausting… not totally unexpected, of course, though she did occasionally feel as if she’d bitten off more than she could chew.

She had just returned from a few days with Hephaestus down in Hades, watching as he attempted to establish himself… it had taken quite a bit of coaxing on her part to get him to see that he really did need to do more than just set up a new forge down there… that it required a bit of playing nice with the natives (and etiquette was never his strong bit) and giving some leeway… after a talk with Persephone, however, on the proposed new way of things, she felt comfortable that he’d find her way… Persephone of course hadn’t been welcoming with open arms, but she did seem slightly less hostile when Dite had left… And in Heph’s favour, he was possible one of the least tyrannical Olympians to ever exist. She felt sure that if he made it plain he did not plan on getting in anyone’s way, and that he’d not go changing things all willy-nilly he’d eventually be able to establish himself the way he ought. Still, keeping an eye on him and the goings on in Hades was going to have to be high on her list.

Amphitrite had been another matter entirely… Dite still wasn’t quite sure after the many days she’d spent in Poseidon’s realm if his widow was angry at her or not. The Oceanid went from spiteful bitch to sweet and simpering in a heartbeat, and no amount of charm on Dite’s part had been able to get her to relax. It was almost as if the deposed Queen was angry because she should be, and might be losing her status more than the fact that Poseidon was gone. IT actually annoyed Aphrodite – Amphitrite should be spitting nails at the loss of a loved one… and in any other case Dite would be punishing her so that she was in deed reacting properly. Still, she saw no need to make things more unbearable for herself, and remembering Hermes’ advice she had not manipulated anyone beyond what was natural with love… her beauty she could do nothing about, and there was a certain kinship to the oceanids and nereids that she played on, but nothing overt… though it would have been much easier to just make everyone love her. Days and days spent meeting each and every deity of the ocean, making her plans (what there was of them) known, and projecting an air of benevolence made her long for her home on Olympus… her home which now contained a simple gateway to her kingdom under the sea.

It was this gateway she used to return to her own temple, a soft groan issuing as she saw all the work waiting there for her… work that would wait a bit longer. With a few thoughts and flickering fingers, there was an oversized claw tub full of hot water and bubbles awaiting her on the back patio of her temple, overlooking her gardens. Untying a few ties, her gown pooled at her feet and she stepped out of it, stepping into the tub and sinking down into the comforts of the water.

She had to wonder, exactly how long would she be allowed to soak uninterrupted?

Oct. 13th, 2007


Hands on her hips, Aphrodite stood looking on in horrified disbelief at the scene in front of her. On the side of a volcano they sat, looking out over the expanse of the Greek world below them… part and parcel of the kingdoms they had inherited. The sight in front of her was far, far less majestic… and was enough to make her boil.

“What…. exactly do you think you’re doing?”

She stepped forward as Hephaestus turned to her with a pleased grin on his face.


“Oh. I see. Grilling. Because… that’s what you should be doing. I mean, it’s not as if we’ve just settled down from pulling off the greatest coup in the history of man and god… I don’t see how you’d possibly have anything to do *but* grill.”

“Well, Machanitin, I’ve been thinking about it, you know? We both have… I’m thinking of giving up the whole God of the Forge thing…. Hardly anyone pays attention to it. I’m taking up…. God of Barbeque. I’ll only work summers.”

Aphrodite just stared at him, feeling some of the (she felt) deeply hidden hysteria rising up, mouth agape as she looked from him to Ares. Ares was, at that moment, rising off his beach chair and moving toward her with a leer on his face and an umbrella’d drink in hand. Draping an arm across her shoulders heavily, he leaned in to mouth a kiss behind her ear.

“Chillax, cherish… we did it. We won. We’re the kings of the world. And Queen. All thanks to Gimpy’s little toys and my excellent strategies… And you doing that thing you do, of course. Have I told you lately how hot you are? You look good in a crown.”

“I’m not wearing a – Oh gods, you’re drunk.”

She scowled as she turned her head away, nose crinkling.

“Drunk on Power, Cherish… drunk on power…”

“Oh, no… I’m pretty sure it’s rum.”

Delicately she plucked the umbrella out of his drink and dropped it to the ground, worming quickly out of his embrace... the same embrace she’d been longing for in the not too distant past.

“You too are gross… and ignoring all the work that has to be done. Are you really just going to sit up here and pat yourselves on the back?”

Heph flipped a burger as Ares chuckled, sashaying back to his chair and dropping into the cushions once more. Using his flipper as a pointer, Heph just grinned at his wife.

“We’ve got it under control. You just worry your pretty head over your business. Enjoy it, Machanitin. You’re as powerful as any God, now.”

Dite just blinked... slowly, fingers fisting into tight little balls. She straightened her stance even as her eyes narrowed. Powerful as any god, now? She’d always been that way… as well her wayward spouse was aware. Instead of fighting with them, however, she just disappeared from the side of the mountain in a puff of smoke… that both men recognized for what it was, and promptly shrugged it off. Heph turned back to his grill and glanced over at his half brother, who was adding a new umbrella to his drink.

“How rare do you want these steaks?”
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