Montenegro University -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Montenegro University

college town grad law med military
I'd like to turn to a type of song that people like myself find ourselves subjected to with increasing frequency as time goes on, and that is the college alma mater. You'll find yourself at a reunion of grads, and old undergrads, and eh... somebody will start croaking out one of these things and everyone will gradually join in -- each in his own key, of course -- until the place is just soggy with nostalgia. Well, a typical such song might be called Bright College Days, and might go like this. Bright college days, O carefree days that fly, To thee we sing with our glasses raised on high. Let's drink a toast as each of us recalls Ivy-covered professors in ivy-covered halls. Turn on the spigot, pour the beer and swig it, and gaudeamus igit-ur. Here's to parties we tossed, To the games that we lost, We shall claim that we won them some day. To the girls young and sweet, To the spacious back seat of our beat up Chevrolet.
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[18 Mar 2012|04:25am]
[Filter: Elizabeth Reinart]
DRINKS. NOW. OR TOMORROW. Please & merci.
[Filter: Marcel Martin AND IN FRENCH.]

You would be proud of me right now. I am typign pretty well for being a drunk woman. Or man. APPARENTLY, I NEED TO CLARIFY IN ORDER TO MAKE SURE I AM NOT INSULTING ANYONE OR SOEMTHING LIEK THAT.

Just let me punch you five or nine times.

[18 Mar 2012|07:59am]
There's something very special about speech-to-text programming. Means I don't have to worry about my spelling. Didn't drink anything but the world feels fuzzy. Mmm, it's a good feeling. Missed it.

[Voice post] [18 Mar 2012|02:52pm]
Heeeeey guys?!

Guys guys guys and girls? Girl? Are there girls on the internets? I hear that's a lie! There're no girls on the internets!

That makes me sad!

Oh oh! Did you know that apparently you can get drunk off water? I DID NOT KNOW THIS!


tee hee, Saint Satan.

I Wanna Be Bad [voice] [18 Mar 2012|02:53pm]
[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | Willa Ford ]

[At first, all that can be heard is this song being sung along to in a slightly hoarse, rough, slurring voice. After the second chorus the singing stops though the song continues in the background as Aria starts talking over it. She sounds incredibly happy.]

Hey everyone, to any of you who came to the show last night, thank you so much! I know some weird stuff went down, but it's all good. See, not only does my dad only know a few words en EspaƱol, but he felt really shitty after everything and so he bought me a new electric violin! Guilt presents are the bestest presents, especially because I spent the money I was gonna use on a new electric violin to go away over spring break so I wasn't gonna to be able to afford the one I wanted anytime soon. Anyway, I went to the music room and found this awesome band, and they decided to let me sit in to test out my new toy, so check this out!

[The Willa Ford stops playing, and things get quiet for a moment. Then, soft counting can be heard, followed by this. Once the song finishes, the sound of people hi-fiving is heard.]

We're sounding good, huh? I feel so awesome, and like, I just wanna go out, you know? Dancing, or something. I need to take a page from daddy-dearest's book and just like... go, and fuck the consequences! Who wants in? Arron? Jonathan? Anyone? If nobody wants to come with me I'll just go by myself. Not gonna drive though, I need to feel the air on my face.... yeah.

[Muttering can be heard, like something was said off camera.] Shut up Conner, I'm not drunk, I'm just really happy, okay? And if I was, who would blame me after last night? Jeez, why you gotta be like that? It's like that one song from that show you know I love goes - estoy desafiando la gravedad, y nada me va a bajar, pendejo!

[A torrent of angry Spanish is heard as the feed abruptly cuts out.]

[18 Mar 2012|06:18pm]
I like big butts and I cannot lie. You other brothers can't deny. But when a girl walks in with an iddy bitty waist and a round thing in your face you get..

Swear didn't have anything to drink but this is so much fun!

001 [18 Mar 2012|07:10pm]
Okay, next person that comes in here snookered up and with some sort of alcoholic beverage spilled on their hardware, I am biting you. I will throw your shit out the window and then I will bite you. I am a god among men, but even I can't fix beer in your circuitry and your momma did not buy you that nice shit for you to ruin it like a moron. Seriously. What the fuck? We're at a record high this weekend.

And while I will freely state that I am rabies-free, do you really want to take my word for it?

In short: Beer/Vodka/[Insert alcoholic beverage of your choice here.] + Electronics = No. Unless you want my teeth in your posterior in a non-enjoyable way.

Video post [18 Mar 2012|07:28pm]
[The camera flips on to show a wolf staring at the camera. In fact, all it does is stare at it. Judging by the background one can tell that he's not on campus, or in the dorms. After a while he sits down, wags his tail, and paws at the screen gently.]

hiccup. [18 Mar 2012|07:47pm]
Hi. You can call me Paris. I find introductions relatively exhausting, but it really was about time I said something to all you lovely, crazy boys and girls.

Now. To make things interesting, let's ugh play a game. Come up with something interesting enough to introduce yourselves to me, and I'll give you the most relaxing massage you've ever had in your life should yours be the most impressive. Consider yourselves lucky I'm speaking to you, fucking cunts. It's just one of my little abilities.

[Filtered to Demons/Fallen]
I'm not going to come looking for you. I've wasted enough energy on this stupid little introduction.

four. [video] [18 Mar 2012|07:54pm]
[Filter: Noah from the Library]

[At her end of the line, the world is bright - the air tastes sweet and the motion just beyond her fingertips is shaded with something glittering and fine. But she seems perfectly cheerful with it. At ease. This is her Father's domain, after all. Past, of course. Not present. She doesn't know who that one is. Not really.]

I was going to write you a note. You seem like the sort of person who would like notes. Are you? Do you? I think so.

[She hums, briefly, to herself. A habitual tic, quiet bars of 'Heaven' - slow and measured - before she seems to shake herself back on track.]

A note. Yes. [A nod, teeth pulling at her lower lip.] But it's very difficult to send things when one does not have an address. Or a full name. One cannot just mail things addressed to Noah from the Library. There may be other Noahs. Even ones who frequent libraries. And they wouldn't be the right one at all. Which would be very troublesome, really.

But, I just - I thought of you, you see. [Her eyebrows beetle together at this, nose crinkling and appearing temporarily befuddled.] Do people say that? I mean, of course they do. I just did - but do they? Really?

I just - I read something. It sounded like you? [She scrunches her nose further, fingers sketching out a dismissive wave.] I don't know. Forget it. It was silly. [A crooked smile.] But I still think you would like notes. So I suppose that is something.

[Filter: Private]

[A brief, accidentally-captured moment between messages.]

I probably shouldn't have done that. [She giggles, fingers over her mouth and pitching forward slightly.] I don't think people do that.

[Filter: Legion]

Hello! [A smile, wide and bright.] I hope that I am not - I do not wish to be a bother, I mean. I just feel a bit loud and all filled up with colors and there is almost too much room for just me here. I think.

Would you visit me? [The word is dipped carefully in plurality, murmured with room for expansion.] Do you mind?

[A shrug, one shoulder rising higher than the other.]

Only if you would not mind.

[18 Mar 2012|07:57pm]
[Despite being unable to shake the feeling of tispiness, Blythe went to the Ambrosia Diner to interview with a manager and somehow - miraculously - was given a job. In a fit of unadulterated, yellow, tipsy happiness, Blythe raced back to her apartment, tied on her own pair of old rollerskates, slathered tribal war paint all over her person, and sprinkled handfuls of glitter in her pinned-up hair. From there, she skated all over the school campus, loudly singing songs by the Beatles and making a note to stop and hug every single person she came across. (Truly every. Single. Person.)

...Except for Fenrir, whom she approached with joyous guile, and while appearing to be sweeping him into a friendly embrace, she instead kneed him square in the crotch. Laughing at his stunned form, she took off skating as quickly as she could as he soon made chase, finally finding herself in the school's library.

Is this - I'm here! It took me...24, 34, 47, a gajillion times to remember my password. The commputer snapped at me. Made angry noises.

I think he's going to kill me! He is, he's going to find out I'm hiding here and he's going to kill me! He's going to hear the angry commmputer and then he's going to kill me.

He had it coming.

But it's so much fun.

Did everyone like my hugs!? I HAVE SO MANY OF THEM! I don't know what to DO with them all!

ZAAAAAAACK! I'm hiding in the library, come and get me! Hurry, before he kills me! Hit him with your car! Split splat roadkill.

Oh wait...uhhhhohmygosh. How do I backspace. How do I do anything!?

I'm going to the girl's bathroom. He can't go in there. Wash the paint off, maybe? Then he'll never recognize me because I will be a body of water. I didn't wear a bra again. Oh well. I should plan for being killed more often!

I'm a ninja, here I go! Maybe.

[18 Mar 2012|08:03pm]


009 [18 Mar 2012|08:05pm]
WTF am I the only one not tipsy drunk?

I also can't get this stupid Nicki Minaj song out of my head.

[18 Mar 2012|09:22pm]
The room feels really weird right now. Like ... I think it might be moving a little. Or talking. It could be my roommate. Do I have a roommate? I don't know.

Are leprechauns real? Because I think they did something to my vitamin water. They didn't put gold in it, though. I thought they were supposed to leave gold.

tenth chase [18 Mar 2012|09:42pm]

i don't feel s well

the second harmony | video [18 Mar 2012|09:44pm]
Oh... my face is squishy. [she takes a moments to press her palms to her face] Have you ever squished your face before? It's squishy. And when you make fish lips -- [cue fish lips] -- it looks really funny!

[she laughs allll to herself]

Would you let me squish your face? [paws at the camera and smudges the screen] ... oops. I'm sorry.

Mini Log [18 Mar 2012|09:45pm]
[Last night, he was distracted by a gorgeous man, but he thought he glimpsed Arron running after Aria just before his green sea of people parted on the dance floor. That was immediately forgotten until a few minutes ago when Aria mentioned his father finally stepping up to the plate. He was happy. He was surprised.

He had an idea.

He rushed to get his notebook and gold pen from his bag, falling onto the floor in the process thanks to the non-alcoholic buzz he was still in the middle of. Eros hoped his ability to draw a few lines wasn't impaired, because he needed this to work now more than ever. Staying on the floor, his fingers flipped through the pages filled with gold and brown arrows. When a fresh page showed itself, his hand slammed down on it while he pulled the cap off the pen with his teeth.

There was a smirk on Eros' lips that grew as the shaky lines on the page turned into a golden arrow. When the names of Aria Dixon and Arron Belmont were being carefully placed the arrow, he started laughing. Despite making his hand jump a little with each shake of laughter, it wasn't until he crossed the 't' that he finally stopped.

He never timed this part, but the effects of his power usually started within minutes of finishing. Most of the time, it started almost instantly after he lifted the pen from the paper. Eros wished that to be the case, but he also wished he could be there to see it start. Arron and Aria were going out, possibly with other people. Depending on how they really felt about each other, it wasn't going to be much of a group outing. But, if the two of them felt what Eros thought they felt for each other, then there was a chance he could see something tomorrow, as the effects of his power could last up to forty-eight hours depending on the people's original feelings.

At the bottom of the page, he wrote 'Aidan' in the same shaky script, reminding him to give the other guy his turn after this arrow wore off. Although, he wasn't rooting for this guy to make it through the process. It was only fair to Aria to show her both sides of her heart. And maybe, if someone twisted his arm to say it, having someone go through this twice fun for him. At the very least, Aria was finally going to see exactly how she felt about the fighter and the lawyer.

And she would understand he was only looking out for her, right?]

six. [18 Mar 2012|09:50pm]
i feel happy and sick at the same time

first video [18 Mar 2012|11:27pm]
[The picture is blurry but it's quite obvious that Kim is far too close to the camera. When he comes into focus, you can see that his lips are pressed together, jaw clenched, eyebrow arched and, oh yes, he's covering one eye with his hand. Kim notices that the video is working and grins brightly. He does not remove the hand from his eye, but he does back up.]

H-ello! Is this what we're doing now? Making videos? For the longest time I thought it would be beyond me. I'm not very good at remembering instructions, but this is self-explanatory... Huh. Just hit the little button and look here. [He points at the wrong spot, then frowns.] No. Here. [He points at the camera.] I think I've got it!

It's been a strange weekend, hasn't it? Not altogether bad, but I do feel a skosh funny. Skosh. What a funny word... Anyway! What was I saying? [Kim's expression goes blank for a good six or seven seconds as he thinks. Without acknowledging this pause, he starts grinning again.] Wouldn't it be great if you could give lectures like this? I could be on a gigantic screen and just talk away at the students from the sofa. I'd be like the Wizard of Oz, only in pyjamas. Ooh! And, well, and students could all be on tiny screens in class, too. [Sucking one cheek in, he tilts his head to the side.] Why has no one thought of this?

[His cat, Zooey, walks over the keyboard and Kim pulls the resigned face all dedicated cat owners do when their computer is compromised. Then Zooey, still standing on his laptop, bites Kim's hand and he yanks it away from her.] Achh! Zooey! You know we've talked about this b-

[The video cuts out.]

[ viewing | March 18th, 2012 ]
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