Montenegro University -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Montenegro University

college town grad law med military
I'd like to turn to a type of song that people like myself find ourselves subjected to with increasing frequency as time goes on, and that is the college alma mater. You'll find yourself at a reunion of grads, and old undergrads, and eh... somebody will start croaking out one of these things and everyone will gradually join in -- each in his own key, of course -- until the place is just soggy with nostalgia. Well, a typical such song might be called Bright College Days, and might go like this. Bright college days, O carefree days that fly, To thee we sing with our glasses raised on high. Let's drink a toast as each of us recalls Ivy-covered professors in ivy-covered halls. Turn on the spigot, pour the beer and swig it, and gaudeamus igit-ur. Here's to parties we tossed, To the games that we lost, We shall claim that we won them some day. To the girls young and sweet, To the spacious back seat of our beat up Chevrolet.
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[17 Mar 2012|01:16pm]

THIS SHIT IS FUNNY. Fuck all you drunk assholes and your stupid fake holiday I am watching animal videos all night long.

PS: St Patrick's color is BLUE and I am pinching any motherfucker who doesn't wear it. Just another reason your holiday is FAKE.

[video: filtered from staff/admin] [17 Mar 2012|01:47pm]
[ mood | giggly ]
[ music | Brokencyde - Bree Bree ]

[Narcissus is wavering a little bit in front of the camera, adjusting it a little bit to get a good shot of his face, and upper body. He smiles a gentle smile at himself in the camera lens, and fixes his hair with a sweep of his hand. He winks, giggles, and reaches over, out of the camera's line of sight. There's a small crinkling of plastic, as he procures a plastic-wrapped Twinkie.]

It's been forever since I had one of these, you know? [He tears open the package carefully, giggling all the while.] But like…I figured why not? I mean so many people think I'm too skinny anyways. Might as well…[He takes a bite of the little cake, and it's surprisingly full, at least a third of the cake is missing, and he giggles again, covering his mouth with his hand.]

It's actually really good. [More giggling. He sets the rest of the cake aside, and looks lovingly into the camera, leisurely taking his time in licking a little of the creme and sticky cake residue from his fingers.] But like, you know what? I don't really think I need it. And I'm really sorry for the people that think I do. [He straightens up a little, fixes his hair again, and laughs as he tugs his shirt up enough to show the camera his stomach.]

If this is "too skinny" for you, you can fuckoff. I'm fucking perfect. [He shows his middle finger to the camera, sticks his tongue out, and cuts the feed.]

19. [video] [17 Mar 2012|02:25pm]
[ mood | giggly ]

[When the camera first clicks on, all that's visible is an extreme close up of a cupcake. Then, giggling is heard -- soft, sweet like the sound of tinkling bells-type giggling. The camera pulled away as a finger dips into the frame and swipes some frosting off one of the cupcakes, revealing Eve with an impish expression on her face. Her cheeks are rosier than usual, her hair is slightly disheveled, and if a person didn't know better they might think she was under the influence -- but that would be ridiculous, because she's not legal.]

I made cupcakes.

[a pause.]

I like that word, cupcakes. Cupcakes. Cupcakes. Cupcakescupcakescupcakes. Cupcakekes! Cuppitycakes.

[more giggling is heard interspersed with Eve attempting to say 'cupcakes' and failing, eventually curling up on her side just laughing until the feed cuts out.]

[17 Mar 2012|03:16pm]
Girl, it is NOT EVEN THREE IN THE AFTERNOON YET. You better be moving out of my way before I go and rip your head off and yes, you better be buying me new shoes – replacements of these babies. Getting drunk this early? And I thought New Year's Eve was bad enough, but this is really, how you say... taking the cake. Et j'en passe, you even go and ask me to take you home after you throw up on my shoes. Je n'en reviens pas! Unbelievable!

Do you know how expensive these shoes are? Tu te rends compte? Non, I believe not. Christian Louboutin, ma petite, almost a thousand US dollars.

I do not know why you Americans even celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Most of you are not even IRISH.

[FILTERED FROM ADMIN/FACULTY] [17 Mar 2012|03:32pm]
Я не пьян. Я не пью, потому что я РА поэтому, пожалуйста, не думайте, что я безответственными. Я просто хочу сказать, что я чувствую себя очень грубый сегодня.

lsitne i am a very nice girl yes? nto very mean or anything like that. i am just celeratign the irish. or something like that. i don t know eeruvyone else seem dvery indulgent. Почему это так? and ths whole reincarnate shit like really fuck it !!1

aadultesres fuck you

[17 Mar 2012|03:36pm]
[FILTER: Admin/Faculty]
I suspect something is, once again, amiss here at Montenegro. Call it a hunch, if you will. Should you see me slur I suppose I am grateful that this happened on a weekend.

Should I do anything remiss or regrettable, please stop me.
[FILTER: Koizumi Rin]
What are you doing
[FILTER: Koizumi Ai]

[17 Mar 2012|05:54pm]
[Voicemail to Zayn]

[Ben's words come out in a string, no breaks, no breath.]

You. Me. At that place. Where is it? Right. Finnegan's Wake Irish Pub. I'll be there with Aria in a green suit. You can't miss me. I'm the sexiest leprechaun you'll ever meet.

[There is a short pause. Sinatra's "Fly Me to the Moon" is playing in the background. Then a whispering Ben comes through.]

Fly me to the moon. In other words, hold my hand. In other words, baby, kiss me.

[17 Mar 2012|06:36pm]
I haet tuda y. Snt Paddyz. Not beca

Becoz? Becaz? Therez a fukin u in it sumwher. Somewhere. Some. Where.

I hAte chavs. M cousinnnnnnnn is 1. Last yer he cam E. To visit on Snt fuckin pads. Or. That weak.


He tinkz cause THAT'S IT are parnts are what IRisH


Thinks its ok to prtnd h s.


I worry I'm not going to be

a doctor

Shuld I tri sumdng els?

wY is t hRd 2 tipe? I.dunt feeeeeel gud.

[17 Mar 2012|06:48pm]
There are Twinkeis Tinkwi Twik TWINKIES! HA HA! I WANT ONE! I hAvent hat one is a long time. I FUfjepojDEN



THere. So strange.

This post ass been a ppointles oone.


OH! OOH@ A GAME! WHo wants In?

[17 Mar 2012|06:51pm]
[Mass Text]
(ooc: If you think Jazz would have your character's number (for whatever reason, and keeping in mind she loves surrounding herself with people--phone numbers contractually included) then they got this text.)

Who fucking spiked my toothpaste? THANK YOU!

This took me an hour to write. Shit. I love you.

[Text to Emma/Syrinx]

I bet it was you.

[17 Mar 2012|07:00pm]
This is annoying. Really? Everyone is already drunk?


[17 Mar 2012|07:23pm]
All right.

It's a shame I'm not big on drinking, because clearly there is something good floating around campus. Might want to watch out for the front steps, those of you who are slightly intoxicated. And the stairs. And so on, and so forth.

Who left the silly string in the library? It's mine if you don't come to claim it.

[17 Mar 2012|07:35pm]
Bees have some of the most riveting conversations while drunk. I once met one, and the glorious little thing told me that he couldn't see why humans wouldn't allow nature to get them drunk. So many things that could get them drunk. I told him that there were many reasons why humans don't do this often.

The bee just sort of slurred his words, and drunkenly flew off.

Considered calling the bee cops, but decided against it.

[17 Mar 2012|08:05pm]
Tiiiiim~♥ I miiiiisss youuu. It feels like I haven't seen you in foreeeever. Küss mich, bitte? You're just so cute and I miss you.

I'm not sure why, but I feel reaaly, reaaaly happy. Kinda sleepy, too. Maybe I need a nap! ^~^

[Text to Eros]
You're cute, and nice, and I think I want a hug. ♥

003. [17 Mar 2012|09:51pm]
This is all very concerning and not medically... good.

[17 Mar 2012|10:09pm]
i think i dreamed this guy once....

kyuu ☣ [17 Mar 2012|11:45pm]

the fuck

[ viewing | March 17th, 2012 ]
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