Multiverse of Madness Logs


Layout By

May 15th, 2022



Who: Kaylee & Ash
What: Neighbour meetup
When: May 14th
Where: Ash’s apartment
Rating/Warnings: Maybe drinking? TBD.
Status: Ongoing

The new arrival had all the charm of a sledgehammer )



Who: Steve and Derek
What: Talking, cuddling, married life
When: After Narnia
Where: their room at the Facility
Warning: Medium? There’s flirtations under this cut.
Status: Completed via Gdoc

I'd ask how the Under-Secretary of the CIA got a direct line on me, but it's the CIA. )



WHO: Clark Kent and Karli Morgenthau
WHAT: A friend in need is a friend indeed
WHEN: Sunday, May 15, 2019
WHERE: Low Town, Madripoor | Facility Medical
WARNING/STATUS: Completed via GDocs; CW: Gun violence

I've got you, you're going to be okay. I promise. )