Multiverse of Madness Logs


Layout By

April 17th, 2022



Who: Sue Storm and Ikaris
Where: The Enchanted Forest (OUAT)
When: April 1-15, 2019
What: Someone gets into a sticky situation
Rating/Warnings: CW: Torture, but otherwise low
Status: Complete

The Evil Queen is keeping a friend of mine prisoner. )



Who: Eliot Waugh and Quentin Coldwater
Where: Quentin's Room
When: April 15, 2019 | Very,very late (after this)
What: Post-Adventure Reunion
Rating/Warnings: Low, some language
Status: Complete

I lied. )



Who: FitzSimmons
Where: The Facility, Medical
When: April 15, 2019 | mid-morning
What: The family is back together in more ways than one.
Rating/Warnings: SFW/None
Status: Complete

Because he refused to accept the possibility that Jemma wouldn't be among the arrivals. )