Multiverse of Madness Logs


Layout By

March 5th, 2022



Who: Eliot Waugh and Karli Morgenthau
Where: Threshold
When: Saturday February 12, 2019 | late afternoon (backdated)
What: Boozy Offerings for the Gods of Commerce
Rating/Warnings: Spoilers for The Magicians season 3
Status: Complete

Never been accidentally serenaded before. )



Who: Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood
Where: Avengers Facility, then Little Wakanda, apartment 404
When: Backdated to Monday, February 14, 2019
What: It's Valentine's Day and Magnus did things.
Rating/Warnings: A little sexy at the very end.
Status: Complete

He didn't like to think too much in terms of destiny and kismet. )



📦 derek hale

Left outside his room )



Who: Erica Reyes & OTA
Where: The Common Room
When: Sunday
What: Movie Marathon
Status: Ongoing and Open
Warnings: None for Now

Going somewhere other than her room and the woods... )