Multiverse of Madness Logs


Layout By

December 24th, 2021



Who: Ben and Cisco
What: Cisco has a seizure in Russia, Ben is his big damn hero.
When: Dec-Christmas plot
Where: Russia
Warning: Low
Status: Completed via Gdoc

The ground started to shift... )



Christmas party IC/OOC


This week has been kind of A Lot for me so I haven't been able to focus on making a pretty post, but! Storm has made the party very classy. There are plenty of finger foods as well as both alcoholic and non-alcoholic eggnog and seasonal cocktails, and at around 8:30 a range of desserts will be brought out. For the first half the music will be largely background noise with a selection of (sorry!) Christmas carols but after 9pm it will switch to be louder and a lot more danceable to encourage people to get onto the floor. For Secret Santa participants there's a table near the entrance to place gifts and to pick up your own from.