Multiverse of Madness Logs


Layout By

November 18th, 2021



WHO: Cath and Klaus
WHEN: Recently
WHERE: Sally's
WHAT: Random encounter // making friends?
RATING/WARNINGS: Low/None (possibly medical stuff on Cath's part) TBD
STATUS: In progress

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Who: Clark Kent and Yelena Belova
What: Flying! (#2)
When: Oct 11 or 12, before Natasha’s return
Where: Starting at the Facility
Warning: Low/None
Status: Completed via Gdoc

She even had some hours where she felt almost normal. )



WHO: Pepper Potts-Stark & Sharon Carter
WHAT: Catching up over tea.
WHERE: Sharon’s home
WHEN: After Sharon’s return
RATING: Low/No Warnings
STATUS: Completed via GDOC.

Now she was excited to catch up with Pepper. She felt like she hadn’t seen her friend in 5 years. )