Multiverse of Madness Logs


Layout By

September 29th, 2021



Who: Sharon, Loki, and Fury
What: Investigations
When: Friday, October 1
Where: To Madripoor and back again
Warning: TBD - Low to start, may get violent
Status: In Progress

[Off to Madripoor!] )



Who: Kate and Stiles
What: Road Trip!
When: Sept 27 or so
Where: Chocolate Town!
Warning: Low/None
Status: In Progress

Read more... )



Who: Val de Fontaine & Ava Starr
What: Living Situations
When: 9/24 Evening
Where: Upper Manhattan - Val's Apartment
Why: Request for a secure location
Status: In Progress
Warnings: N/A

After a ride in the taxi...  )



Who: Karli Morgenthau and Sarah Walker (with a cameo by Clint)
Where: Central Park (Umpire Rock)
When: Saturday, September 17 (Backdated)
What: A little tête-à-tête about the future
Rating/Warnings: Low
Status: Completed via gdocs

Ain’t nothing that simple. And your problem wasn’t with Walker, it was with the GRC. But there ain’t no GRC here. There’s no Snap, no half the universe disappearing. Future’s different. )